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“A good boyfriend never reveals his sources.” He jokes. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you.”

“So.” He continues. “What are your plans now that you two are back together?”

I scrunch my eyebrows together, confused. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you proposed to her, and she didn’t exactly said no. Is that something you still want?”

“Of course, it is.” I confirm. “That’s all I want, but I just got her back. I don’t really know if I should push it.”

Jo leans against the doorway, listening in to our conversation. I stick my tongue out at her playfully. She laughs at my good mood.

“Well, if it were up to me, I’d say go for it. She clearly loves you.” He remarks. “Whatever you want to do though bro.”

The thought of being engaged to Kayleigh makes me feel things I didn’t even know existed. The fear of rejection, however, still causes me to shiver. I’m not sure I could handle it if she turns me down again.

“I’ll think about it and let you know.” I tell him.

The two of us talk for a few more minutes, until he groans and tells me he’s getting pulled over. I smile and make fun of him before hanging up the phone. My sister is next to me within seconds.

“What was that about?” She asks.

I shake my head. “Brandon was just asking me if I plan on proposing to Kayleigh again.”

“Do you?!” The excitement in her tone makes me flinch.

“I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it. I don’t want to move too quickly and scare her off.”

Jo scoffs. “Please. You almost drank yourself to death, and she’s still here. I don’t think you could scare her off.”

I let the events of this morning replay in my mind. The way she smiled in a way that she hasn’t in weeks. The way she kissed my lips and told me she loves me. The way she played with my fingers as they intertwined with her own.

I don’t care how many times I need to ask. I need her in my life for the rest of it, no matter what.

I take out my phone and send compose a string of text messages – one to Bree asking for her help, one to Brandon thanking him for the kick in the ass, and the final, most important one to my mom.

Me: Hey mom. I’m going to need your help,

and my mother’s engagement ring.

Chapter 5

Being with Holden and knowing his love for traveling, I’ve always expected to have many different destinations in our future. However, I never imagined Buffalo, New York would be one of them. My boyfriend fidgets in the seat next to me, completely unable to sit still.

“Babe.” I get his attention. “Relax. You’ll do great.”

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. I guess all the pressure of the championship game is getting to him. Jason sits in the row across from us with Jo, but he seems more excited than nervous. Then again, he isn’t the captain.

As our plane lands, Holden calls Brandon. Him, his parents, and Emily are meeting us at the hotel. I’m anxious to see them all again, though I’m not entirely sure what his parents know about mine and Holden’s past few weeks. Hopefully they will only see how perfect things are right now.

I get butterflies when I think of the current status of our relationship. It’s like that breakup was exactly what we needed to realize we can’t live without each other. Every second I’m away from him, all I can think about is the next time that I won’t be. We’ve both been constant smiles and warm touches every moment we’re around each other. Even the sound of his name has me blushing like a twelve-year-old around her first crush.

The four of us walk through the airport with the rest of the team trailing behind. Once we get to the bus, we all pile on. Jo and I are the only two who aren’t players, but with Holden being the coach’s favorite, he made it happen.

Once we get to the hotel, they give everyone their room keys. Holden was originally supposed to share a room with Jason, but he decided to book us our own – giving Jason and Josephine a room to themselves. Honestly, I think it’s better that way because if H caught them fooling around, he may lose his mind.

“This bed is amazing.” I sigh as I throw myself down on it.

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