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He takes my hand in his. “Absolutely. We are going to give you a steroid to help develop her lungs. We’ll monitor you and the baby very closely. Of course, there are always risks with premature births, but her chances of being okay are very good.”

Gaining more control over my breathing, I will myself to calm down. I need to remain tranquil for the baby. The doctor excuses himself to order the steroid and I turn to Caleb.

“Can you try calling Holden?”

He smiles. “I already did. It went to voicemail but I left a message.”

“Thank you.”

A short while later, the doctor returns with the injection and administers it through the IV. I watch as he slowly pushes the medication in then uses saline to drain it out the rest of the way. When he’s done, he places the blanket back over my arm.

“So, this will help her lungs?”

He nods. “Yes. I will give you another within the next 12 to 24 hours depending on your reaction to it.”

“Is it supposed to make me this tired?”

“No, that would be the morphine and your body finally relaxing from the pain you were in earlier. Take a nap. You’re going to be here a while.”

My eyes drift closed as he talks to Caleb about what to look out for. The only thing on my mind right now is wishing Holden were here. Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple.

I WAKE, ONCE AGAIN, in horrible pain. I’m already screaming before I even realize I’m awake. Caleb is trying to get my attention but the feeling in my stomach overpowers every part of his voice. He rushes over to the door, yelling for a doctor or nurse – anyone to help. Several people in scrubs come running into the room.

“What’s going on, Kayleigh?” The doctor from earlier addresses me.

“P-pain.” I manage to choke out.

He lifts the blanket and spreads my legs before turning around and addressing the nurse. “She’s bleeding and the baby’s heart is showing signs of distress. Call the OR and tell them we’re coming up for an emergency C-section.”

“What?! N-no. The baby’s lungs. Holden. Y-you can’t.”

“Mrs. Rivers, I’m going to need you to calm down.” He disconnects my IV and the monitors, then raises the rails on the bed. “Trust me, we will do everything we can to make sure your daughter is as healthy as can be.”

“But my husband!” I turn to Caleb. “Have you heard from him?”

He shakes his head. “Not yet.”

Tears spill from my eyes as they start pushing the bed out the door. The pain is unbearable but the panic is worse. There’s a whole team of medical professionals rushing with me towards the elevator. Caleb stays behind, watching me from the doorway.

We get to the elevator and wait for it to open. When it does, I sob even harder. Holden is standing on the other side of the doors. He’s shocked when he sees me and the many nurses.

“Sir, I’m going to need you to move out of the way.”

He steps back into the corner of the elevator. “That’s my wife.”

The doctor looks to me for confirmation and I nod. “Holden.” I breathe.

They push me into the elevator and he’s next to me immediately, holding my hand and looking around for someone to fill him in. “What’s going on?”

“Your wife is experiencing placental abruption. It just became more severe, so we need to deliver the baby as soon as possible.”

“Is she ready for that?”

“The timing is less than ideal, but we have a fantastic NICU and all the required tools to give your daughter the best chance at survival.”

Holden looks at me, and I can see the terrified look in his eyes. He bends down and kisses my forehead, promising me that everything will be okay. Just knowing he’s here helps, but I’m so worried about my daughter that I can’t seem to process anything.

We get to the OR floor and they push me to a door. The nurse places her hand on Holden’s arm and instructs him to come with her.
