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My chest ached so bad I could hardly move. Each breath was agony as I tried to hold my shit together. A rattle from the stuff on the walls told me I wasn’t doing very well.

More than my next breath, I wanted to hunt down whoever had done this, but I had fuck all to go on. As I continued to run my fingers through Sasha’s coat, I started to get that familiar hazy feeling.

Part of me welcomed it; part of me was afraid of what I would see.

The air sucked out of my lungs, and I fought to stay upright. It was the same as the dream I’d had as a little boy. I’d all but forgotten about it until it slammed into me. What I hadn’t realized then was that the woman in my dream was Kira. She was dressed in white and calling for me. She reached out her hand as she cried on a bed.

What I’d learned since the first time it had happened was to take in the details present in my visions. Sometimes I could see more than others.

There was a floor-to-ceiling window behind her, to the side of her bed. What I saw told me where she was. At least in a general aspect.


Coming out of the vision, I had to shake my head to clear it. I needed to get on the road. Opening the door, I called out to Veronica. I was dialing my prez as I did.

“What’s wrong?” she asked as she popped out of another room, sounding worried.

“I have to go. I might know where Kira is. Take care of Sasha?” Venom was saying my name as I spoke.

“Yes! Go!” Veronica said in a rush. Without waiting, I rushed out the door I’d come in.

“Prez, I think her father has her,” I said in a near-whisper.

“Shit. Raptor, I need you to do something for me,” he said. I heard Raptor reply in the background.

“I’m on my way. Be there shortly.” I ended the call and got on my bike. The cop that had tried to stop me before gave me a dirty look. I wanted to flip him off, but I couldn’t be bothered. I tore out of the lot and dared any of them to try to catch me.

Making it to the clubhouse in record time, I parked haphazardly and raced inside. Angel and Ghost were coming out, and I plowed into them, turning sideways to slide between them, and kept moving.

Though I heard them call out, I was focused on making it to Venom and Raptor. Right as I was headed into his office, Venom called to me from the chapel.

By the time I stepped through the door, Ghost and Angel were on my heels. They must’ve notified the others, because everyone that had been close came in after them.

“Voodoo, I need you to sit down. Raptor wants to try something.” My gaze darted from one to the other before I warily sat. They had the chair Venom had indicated pulled out, and Raptor sat in one facing me.

My agitation was simmering hot under the surface of my skin.

“Bear with me. I don’t know if this will work, but I want to try.” Raptor reached out and held my hand. It shook in his, and I tried to steady it. He closed his eyes and was silent for a few minutes.

“It’s not working. I think he’s too angry. Or maybe it just won’t work at all.” Raptor turned to look at Venom, who came closer. He crouched down and stared at me.

His hand wrapped around my forearm, and I jumped. Tilting his head, he narrowed his eyes, and I eased. In the back of my mind, I knew what he was doing, but I became languid as I sat there.

After I’d calmed, I realized what they were trying to do. Normally, Raptor would simply focus on a remote or distant target and he could sense coordinates and details of the area. Except he needed to know generally what he was looking for. In this case, I was the only one who knew. It was different for him to try to do it through one of my visions, and I wasn’t sure he’d have any success.

“Voodoo, I want you to think about your vision. Sift through the details you remember,” Raptor said. “It was in Chicago?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Can you see what you saw in your vision?” As I relaxed further, I leaned back in the chair. I nodded.

“Okay,” he said as he breathed slow and deep. After a couple of minutes, he said, “I can see Navy Pier. And the Sears Tower.”

“It’s Willis Tower,” mumbled Facet.

“Shut the fuck up,” whispered Angel. “No one cares, you smart fuck.”

“I think I know the coordinates of where she is. Get me a pen and paper,” Raptor murmured as he continued to hold my hand.

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