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Venom released my forearm. I watched as Raptor used one hand to scratch out something on the paper without looking at it. Then he let go and sighed heavily. I shook off the eerie feeling.

“Facet,” Venom ordered, and Facet jumped to grab the paper. He’d brought his laptop in, but I hadn’t noticed it before.

It didn’t take him any time at all to excitedly blurt out, “I’ve got it. Pricey digs. Oh, wait!” He opened a file. “I’m pretty sure this is the address I found for him. Hang on, and I’ll clarify.” The keys clicked at a rapid-fire pace.

“Bingo. That’s where she is. We’re about five and a half hours away. How many of us are going?” he asked excitedly. The kid was not only a certified genius, he was as loyal as they came. None of us had hesitated in the least to patch him in. He’d done a four-year enlistment in the military like most of us had, but he’d been into some super-secret squirrel shit. They hadn’t wanted to let him get out, but he’d been done.

Hell, I guess he wasn’t a kid anymore, but twenty-three was still young.

“Venom, you stay here. I’ll take Angel, Facet, Ghost, Shank, and of course Voodoo. Between the six of us, I think we’ve got the skills we need to get her out and take care of her if we need to,” Raptor offered. I knew damn well why he’d chosen the brothers he’d named. Though I prayed we wouldn’t need his skills, Angel had the ability to help her if she was hurt.

“Sounds good. Voodoo? You gonna be okay to deal with this rationally?” Venom had turned to me. His eyes shifted from blue to green as he waited for me to reply. My jaw clenched as I pulled out all three of the pieces I carried on me. Ensuring the clips were fully loaded, then checking my additional two clips, I nodded.

“I’ll be fine. Kalashnik isn’t going to be walking out of there. I’ll be talking care of his son too.” My eyes raised from my immediate task. I met every brother’s somber gaze. Each one gave me a nod or chin lift. They were all behind me without question.

We’d voted on it, but we’d all thought we’d have time to plan better. Fuck, I should’ve had Facet gathering all the necessary info to do the job the second Venom had shown me the folder. Except I’d been too wrapped up in Kira the past week.

“Kickstands up in twenty minutes, boys. Get your shit,” Raptor called out. His golden eyes met mine, almost glowing. He blinked slowly. “We’ll get her back.”

Staring at the skull and crown on his back as he walked away, I stepped out of the chapel to call out to our prospect at the bar. “Prospect!”

“Yes, sir?” he asked as he set the rag he was wiping the bar down with to the side.

“I need you to take care of my dog.” The poor guy swallowed hard when I slapped my house key on the counter but nodded.

“Yes, sir,” he firmly replied. People were afraid of Zaka, and I didn’t understand why. Okay, so he bit a prospect a while back. Dumb fuck shouldn’t have walked in my house without knocking.

Making quick work of packing a bag from the shit in my room at the clubhouse, I was already shoving it in my saddlebag when the rest of the brothers came out.

“You ready?” Raptor asked everyone.

A round of affirmative answers ensued.

“Anyone gets any weird vibes or feelings, you share it immediately. Voodoo? You see anything, you let us know.” I nodded at his instructions, as did everyone else.

“She can’t be more than two, three hours tops, ahead of us,” I added, based on what time Veronica said she was leaving the clinic. “But we need to get on the road.”

“Voodoo, you saw her safe in her father’s house, so we can only hope that doesn’t change and she ends up there like you saw.” Raptor laid a comforting hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring squeeze. Venom and everyone staying behind nodded and waited for us to take off.

“You all have the address, but Ghost will lead the way as Road Captain,” Raptor instructed. “Let’s go!”

Our bikes roared to life, throttles cranked as our pipes rumbled. We pulled out of the compound as a tight unit and hit the road. The miles slipped under our tires, and we stopped as little as possible.

Hang on, baby. I’m coming for you, and I’m bringing the hounds of hell with me.
