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Without breaking away from their kiss, he reached under the pillow and pulled the packet out. But then he needed both hands, and when he tried to accomplish that while their lips were fused together, she pulled back and sat up. Straddling him, looming over him, panting, her cheeks rosy and her lips wet, her hair wild down her shoulders, her chest, her arms, she looked like some mythical creature, a Naiad or a Valkyrie, or maybe Athena, suddenly becoming the living embodiment of the goddess she had inked on her arm.

Seeing the condom, she smiled and started to move off of him. But Zach didn’t want to be on top of her. His favorite position—and he’d tried a lot of them—was, by far, cowgirl. Her on top, facing him. No other position offered so many opportunities to enjoy the perfection that was the female form. It was like having a front seat to an interactive show. He had full and easy access to tits, ass, mouth, hands, clit, everything. He could see every expression, hear every sound, watch the way she moved. And he could lie there and let her do what she wanted, what sheneeded, make sure she found everything that worked best for her.

Guys who thought they always had to be in control every single second were missing out big time.

Seeing that he wanted her on top, however, Lyra got a little cloud of doubt in her eyes. Zach smiled and put his hand on her cheek. “I am extremely good with you on top. I want to see what works for you.”

She laughed shyly and turned her head so she could press her lips to his palm. “I’m not entirely sure what works for me when I’m with a guy.”

“Does that mean you’ve never come with a guy before?”

“Um ... yeah?” Another shy laugh as her flushed cheeks moved toward scarlet. “This is probably literally the worst time to say this, but it’s easier to fake it than give a bunch of instructions.”

Holy shit. Before the thought she was an orgasm faker took root in his head like a weed, Zach grabbed her arms and made her focus on him.

“Don’tfake it with me, please. If you don’t come, I’m not gonna get mad or have hurt feelings, I’ll just work on doing things more to your liking next time. And that’s all the more reason for you to be on top, so you can do what feels good to you. I take directions, if you want to give ‘em, but if not, I’ll pay attention. So don’t fake, or I won’t be able to work out what’s good and what’s not. Okay? Promise?”

Searching his eyes, she nodded. “Promise.”

Another thought occurred to Zach. “What we did on FaceTime—you weren’t faking that, right?”

“No! I know how to get myself off, duh.” Her cheeks went scarlet again. “They were a lot more intense with you watching, though.”

Okay, now that was good news. Zach grinned. “See, that’s good to know. I’ve been watching you come for weeks, and trust me, babe, I was paying very close attention.”

“You were?”

“I was. For instance,” he set the condom aside and took both breasts in his hands, “I know you like this.” He closed his fingers on her nipples, not so much a pinch as a closing of his fists so that her nipples and areolas sort of rolled up with his fingers.

A loud, stunned gasp burst from her and her back arched sharply. Zach’s cock stood up like a rocket on the launch pad.

“That’s good, right?” he muttered. “That’s the way you like it.”

Her head bobbed rapidly, and her whimper almost sounded likeuh-huh. Then he pulled lightly, like he wanted to draw her closer, and she cried out. He felt liquid heat on his cock as more of her juices flowed. Oh yeah, he had her number.

The thought that her father might have heard that cry goosed Zach a little, it seemed pretty risky to make a big show of what they were doing in here, but he decided he’d take a beating tomorrow if it meant he could have this tonight.

“I’ve been studying you, babe. And I need you on my cock now.”

Nodding again, she grabbed up the condom and slipped it from its sleeve.

“You want to put it on?” he asked hopefully. But she shook her head.

So he eased his hands from her breasts, sat up to bestow a slow, licking kiss on each one, then took the latex from her and shifted enough to get his cock where he could reach it.

She was fucking gorgeous, straddling him, her body flexing with each panting breath as she watched him wrap himself up. Then, without his prompting, she rose onto her knees, and he etched that sight into his memory to relive on cold nights alone.

Zach held himself steady with one hand. He set the other on her hip and eased her down. Her moan as she swallowed him into her tight heat was gas on flame.

“Oh fuck, babe,” he grunted. “That’s it, that’s it.” Holding her hips, he watched her figure them out. Every move of her body seemed intentional, experimental, like she was collecting data. Rocking, twisting, rising, lowering, grinding.

Taylor, one of the sweetbutts in Tulsa, had told him she liked to spell ‘coconut’ when she was on top. She’d had to get a lot more specific for him to understand what the fuck that meant, but it meant the way she moved her hips, and thus their fit together. Each move in the shape of the letters of that seemingly random word. Since then, he had to focus his attention elsewhere or he couldn’t help but try to figure out the letters the girl’s body was making while she rode him, like some kind of secret code.

Lyra’s movements were too exploratory to be a code, so he just watched her, checking in at her face every now and then to see what was good.

It was all good for him. After all these weeks of wanting, of the incredibly hot but still incomplete intensity of jacking off together, now finally, finally being inside her, feeling her hot, soft, beautiful body all over him, watching the way her muscles shifted with each move, the way her pretty tits trembled and bounced ...

He needed those tits in his hands—in his mouth, too, but he didn’t want to disrupt her searching rhythm. So he filled his hands, playing gently, plumping and hefting, brushing his thumbs playfully over her erect nipples until he could feel the shudders of pleasure rippling through her torso and down, into the muscles that clamped around him.
