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LukeSmithwasanenigma. The moment I first saw him, I felt this sudden, strange connection to him, as if I could already see the two of us becoming friends. He was the last person on my list of potential roommates, and though there had been quite a few suitable candidates so far, I knew he would be the one before he'd even said a word.

When I opened the door to greet and invite him in, I took a few seconds to look him over. His long, raven hair was tied off in a bun, and he was just a few inches shorter than me, which was saying something since I was 6’2”.

While what I could see of his physique was that of an athlete’s, his clothes and the look in his pale gray eyes didn’t match at all. He wore an oversized gray hoodie that looked worn thin but matched beautifully with his eyes. His hands were stuffed inside the sleeves, and a pair of faded blue jeans and black sneakers completed his ensemble.

The thing that struck me the most was the look in his pale gray eyes. There was wariness in them and definitely some fear. My friend always told me I was good at reading people, and if there was any truth to his words, then I knew Luke was either afraid ofme,which was unlikely, considering we were meeting for the first time, or strangers in general. The realization sent a wave of protectiveness coursing through me, a sudden urge to keep him safe slamming into me. I didn't know him, and yet I wanted to make sure he felt safe in this place that would hopefully soon become his home as well.

“Luke?” I greeted him with a smile, hoping to ease some of his tension as I shook off the sudden onslaught of emotions. He nodded as he shuffled on his feet, and I opened the door wider to let him in. I was about to close the door when I thought better of it and left it open. I didn’t miss the small sigh from Luke, but I chose to ignore it. Why was he so afraid? Had something happened to him before?

“So, Luke, tell me about yourself,” I asked, hoping to ease him into a conversation that would help him relax.

Luke chewed his lower lip and cracked his knuckles, telling me he was still very nervous as he answered, “Uh, I work for theVoice Outmagazineas a junior editor.”

I smiled because Luke had given me the perfect conversation topic. “I love theirComing Out Storiessection,” I confessed with a smile, hoping the fact that I read his magazine would give me plus points in his book and make him relax a little more.

Luke looked surprised for a second, but then he smiled slightly, just an upward tilt of his lips. “My friend Angie writes them. Well, people send us their own stories, but Angie gives those stories the artistic flair to make them publishable.” Then he halted, as if realizing he’d spoken more than he’d meant to.

I smiled and gestured toward the hallway that led to the bedrooms. “Would you like to see the room? It’s fully furnished and everything.” The room had lain empty as a guest bedroom for the past two years, and I’d finally decided that renting it out would be a good idea. Not that I needed the money, but I’d hoped the company would make the apartment feel less lonely.

Luke looked unsure for a moment before nodding woodenly and turning toward the hallway. He looked back at me, and I realized he might feel better checking out the room without me hovering over him.

“You go on ahead. It’s the one at the end. Do you prefer tea or coffee?”

“Tea,” Luke whispered, his shoulders sagging in ill-concealed relief. I gave him a thumbs up, and he quickly hurried off down the hallway.

By the time he returned, I had some tea and cookies ready. Well, I'd made the tea and served up some of the cookies I’d bought from the bakery yesterday. I was a decent cook, but for some reason, me and baking just did not mix.

I gestured for him to sit on the couch and took the single armchair for myself. “So, did you like the room?”

Luke nodded, taking a sip of his tea. “The room is beautiful. I don’t own much, so the furniture helps.”

“That’s good. When are you planning to move in?” I asked as I picked up my own cup. I was more of a coffee guy, with lots of cream and sugar, but a cup of tea now and then worked just fine.

Luke gave me a startled look before raising a brow at me. “AmI moving in? I thought this was an interview.”

I shrugged. “You’re the last applicant, and honestly, you’re the only sane one I’ve met all day, so it isn’t exactly a difficult choice to make.”Liar.I wasn’t sure why I was fibbing, but something about Luke intrigued me, made me want to get to know him better. He seemed like a decent enough guy, so it wasn’t like I was merely picking him because he was interesting, right? Plus, there was that weird protectiveness buzzing under my skin and making me want to pull him into a hug.

There was a spark in his eyes that hadn't been there until now, and he almost smirked as he replied, “We’re all mad here, Mister.”

He looked extremely proud of himself, and the spark in his eyes coupled with the slight smirk on his face suddenly made him lookbeautiful. I meant a part of me had realized he was good-looking, but now my jaw dropped to the floor.How could I let him go?

He immediately froze, his eyes widening to the size of saucers. “What? What’s wrong?”

“You quotedAlice in Wonderlandat me. How can I not ask you to move in now?” I asked, shaking my head in mock seriousness.

Luke blushed, a pink tinge slowly spreading across his slightly stubbled cheeks. He ran a hand through his hair, dislodging the bun and making his hair fall in waves along his cheeks. Pushing the hair out of his face in what seemed to be a practiced move, he smirked at me. “I can quote a lot of things at you, so I guess youhaveto let me move in now.” The snarky comment made me realize he was much more comfortable around me than he'd been when he'd stepped into my apartment.Mission accomplished.

I smiled widely at him. The fact that he felt relaxed in my presence made me immeasurably happy. Extending my hand, I said, “Welcome to the apartment, Luke.”

He shook my hand, giving me a shy yet bright smile, and I wasn’t at all surprised at the strength in his grip. Luke was more than what met the eyes, and I looked forward to getting to know him better. “Thank you, Scott.”


