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“On a serious note, I’m happy for you. He gets your sexuality, right? I don’t want you getting hurt because he’s an idiot.”

“He does. Don’t worry. We talked about it. Honestly, thank you for backing out. I don’t know if all of this would’ve happened if we hadn’t gone.”

Mike mock-gasped and clutched his chest, staring at me with wide eyes. “Don’t you dare replace me with him, you understand?”

I rolled my eyes at his theatrics but nodded all the same. I could never replace Mike, not that Luke and Mike were similar in any way. Mike was my brother, my family, while Luke…Luke was slowly becoming my everything.

“Good. Are you done for today?”

“Yep, all done.”

“Cool, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Also, I want to meet this guy ASAP. I’ve heard so much about him, and now I need to meet him to make sure he’s good enough for you.”

“Yeah, yeah. Maybe in a few weeks, okay?”

Mike gave me a thumbs up, and I got to my feet. “Good night, Mike. Give my love to Roch and Zoey.”

“I will. Night, Scott.”

By the time I got home, I had a date for Wednesday night all planned out. Now I just needed to ask Luke if he was free that night. I probably should’ve done thatbeforeI planned everything, but I’d let my excitement get away with me.

A warm, spicy scent filled the apartment when I stepped in, and I figured Luke was still cooking since I was home early. I called out a greeting so I didn’t startle him as I removed my shoes and heard an “In here!” from the kitchen, telling me I was right. I placed my laptop bag on the coffee table and loosened my tie as I walked over to the kitchen.

Standing in the doorway, I smiled when I spotted Luke swaying softly to the music as he stirred the sauce he was making. He looked up when he spotted me and gave me a bright smile that made my heart flutter. I’m sure my smile was just as bright when I walked into the kitchen and tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear. I loved playing with his hair, loved watching the raven waves spread out around his face and running my fingers through the silky strands. I’d never known I had a thing for long hair, but I knew it was mostly the fact that I had a thing forLukethat made his hair so fascinating to me.

“Hey, Lu.” The use of his nickname made his smile widen infinitesimally, and a blush colored his cheeks.

“Hey.” His voice was barely a whisper, but I heard it just fine. Making sure he knew exactly what I was doing, I slowly leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. With Luke, I always wanted to be gentle because he was so precious to me, and even the thought of being anything but gentle with him made me shudder. He smiled against my lips before taking control of the kiss, enveloping my lips in his, caressing gently as his hand fisted against the hem of my jacket. I kept my hands firmly on his waist because I wasn’t completely sure he was okay with me touching him just yet.

He pulled back after a moment, his cheeks flushed and his lips red and plump from kissing. I gave him another peck on his lips before pulling away. “I’m gonna go shower and change, yeah?”

Luke nodded, shuffling over to the stove before giving me a smile. “Dinner will be done by then. Want to eat together?”

“Of course. Oh, by the way, do you have any plans for Wednesday evening?”

Luke shook his head. “Nope, why?”

I bit my lip. “Will you go out on a date with me Wednesday evening?”

“A date?” Luke repeated, as if the thought that I’d want to take him out hadn’t even crossed his mind. I nodded, holding my breath as I waited for his reply.

After a beat, he gave me a shy smile, the rosy blush that hadn’t totally disappeared coloring his face again. “I’d love to.”

I grinned at his reply and almost went back to kiss him again but stopped myself. I didn’t want to overwhelm him. I was so delighted that I almost danced my way to my bedroom. I must’ve been doing something with my body, though, because I heard Luke laugh as I disappeared down the hallway, which only made me grin wider.



SayingIwasnervousabout our first date would be an understatement. I was so close to freaking out as I stared at my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. Scott had told me to wear something casual. Was a button-up casual? Too much? T-shirt and hoodie?

My phone pinged from under the clothes lying on my bed, and I dug it out, opening the text from Brady.

Brady:Black jeans, black t-shirt and your denim jacket. And sneakers.

Luke:Holy shit, you’re a lifesaver, Brads. Thanks!

Brady:Payment: All the deets.
