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“Don’t be silly. They will be marginally less expensive than a spaceship.”

“I guess so.”

“Anyway. Billionaires launching themselves into space is so done these days. Three wedding dresses is slightly more avant-garde.”

She laughed. And it delighted him. There was no other word for it. He could not think of another thing that had delighted him, not since her. Not since every moment he had spent with her all those months ago.

And he was fascinated, that the man he’d become in this storybook romance he was writing could feel delight. Could laugh. Could make her laugh.

They wrapped the dresses up, and soon they were headed back to the estate. She let her head rest against the seat, her eyes resting on Soriya. “This was the best evening. Thank you. I feel... I’m not even sure I need to remember.” She sighed heavily. “Like you said. Maybe it’s more a matter of discovery.”

And that was when he was determined. Determined to give her something good to discover. A new story.

She had not mentioned a ring, but surely she would notice soon enough that she didn’t have one. He would give her what she should have had. When she told him she was pregnant she should have had a proposal. A ring. And he would give her that now.

Give her a romantic escape. Give her a reason to ground herself in this life. To discover that she wanted nothing more than to be with him. Then to be with Soriya.

Because he could remember all too clearly the woman he had devastated. The way that she had tripped and fallen and bled. The way that she had been gone from him, and he had been certain that he had...that he had destroyed her.

He wanted there to be something else in place of that. Even for him.

He would prepare the grandest proposal that there could be. And he would give her everything a woman could ever want.

In that he was determined.


SHEWASSTILLfloating the next day. She felt like a high school girl with a crush. At least, she thought that might be what she felt like. It was still so strange, suspended in this bubble that didn’t even feel like reality. Even going out into Rome hadn’t made any of this feel more real. There was just something so...strange about it. And she wanted to believe it. She really did. He had bought her those gowns...

You don’t have a ring.

She had noticed that. But there were many reasons that she might not have a ring.

She had never asked him about the accident she was in either. Was he in it too? It was weird that she didn’t know.

She would talk to him about it. Last night, she had actually spent some time with him, and it had been nice.

She could imagine being his wife. She didn’t think she had ever really spent that much time imagining what it would be like to be married. She had just sort of excluded that from her potential future. But she could imagine marrying Krav. If there was such a thing as a perfect man he might well be it.

Soriya was definitely the perfect baby. She had little experience with children, but she was loving all of this.

She was starting to feel a little bit more grounded when Krav walked into the dining room that morning and announced that they would be going to Paris. And that was disconnected from any reality that she had ever known. “Have I been to Paris?” she asked, which she realized was a strange question.

“No,” he said.

“Well, I’m glad of that. I would hate for my first time in Paris to be lost in the mists of my mind.”

She hated everything that was lost in the mists. She wished that she could remember...

But there was no point being upset about that. Not really.

She was taken care of. He was taking her to Paris, after all.

Her stomach fluttered.

She wondered when the physical part of their relationship would...when it would begin again.

She had spoken to her doctor, and she knew that she was technically still recovering from giving birth.

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