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He pulled away from her slowly, a cautious grin on his face. “I suppose.”

“I’m not going to tell you I’m pregnant.”

He laughed. “That is a relief.”

“Do you want more children?”

He paused for a moment. “I’m not opposed. You and I are both only children. Perhaps Soriya should have siblings.”

“I think I’d like that,” she said.

And maybe that was the point of the dinner. To plan for the future. It made her feel light and happy. It made her feel hopeful.

They ate in relative silence, making occasional companionable conversation.

This felt like the real connection she never had with anyone in her life.

Deep and special.

But... But something was missing. Something was missing.

She swallowed hard, committing to making it through dessert at least.

She didn’t know where the disquiet inside of her was coming from.

And maybe the problem was she was being like a ferret, feeling the need to weasel at something endlessly.

But it was this one thing.

This one thing.

When they finished dessert, he held out his hand, and she stood, responding to his call. He pulled her down onto his lap, kissed her, and she could taste dark chocolate and coffee, mingled with desire.

“Krav,” she whispered. And she had every intent of telling him that she loved him. She wasn’t afraid to tell him. She had told him so many times.

But she stood there realizing that... They had done it before. And they needed to stop repeating things. Here she was in the middle of an echo of a night many months ago. How many echoes had there been?

But something had to change.

Something had to change.

“Do you love me?”


HEHADNOTexpected that. He had been awash in victory.

He had won her back.

It had become abundantly clear over these weeks. She was no longer withholding herself from him. She was happy to be with him, just as she had been in the beginning. He had her. He had her in that way that he craved. In the way he had never had another person. Not in his real true memory. She cared for him. And it had felt like victory. He was confident he had gotten to a place where she no longer hated him. That place they’d been in that dark, hideous night.

When the worst parts of him had been on display.

And she had said one of the words he had expected. But she had flipped it. And it had sent everything in him to a grinding halt.

And he found that he... That he couldn’t respond. So he wrapped his hand around her head, gripped the back of it, and pulled her down to him, kissing her hard and fierce, because it made sense. Because it... Because it let him move further away from that question.

Because how many times could they do this? How many times could she pull away from him? How many times...
