Page 110 of Ascension (Dominion)

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"Eve, I tell you what I think you need to know, and nothing more. It's strategically important that you not know some things. All you have to know is that there is a plan in place. You'll know what to do when the time comes."

I nod and watch as Michel's guards return from their posts at the front and back doors of my apartment. One stands outside our vehicle with his hand on a weapon at his hip like the Secret Service.

We drive farther south towards the docks. The vehicle slows and I look out the front window to see a traffic jam ahead, the flashing lights of a fire truck in the middle of the street.

"Looks like a fire of some sort," I say.

Michel doesn't look up. He takes my face in his hands.

"Eve, I love you." He kisses me, his emotions washing over me, bringing tears to my eyes. "Don't forget that." He reaches into a pocket and takes out a tiny glass ampoule and breaks the tip off it. Inside is a clear liquid. "Drink this."

I take it from him and examine it. "What is it?"

"It's to make you forget." He pulls me closer.

"Forget what?"

"That this happened – this plan and whatever you know about it. I can't let Soren know you're part of a plan to kill him or he'll kill you."

"If you think that's necessary. I could block him out."

"Not good enough – he may use something on you to force you to reveal information. I can't take the chance. Just drink it. Now."

The urgency in his voice makes me comply and I nod and take in a deep breath, swallowing it down, the bitter taste making me squint.

"Oh God," I say and grimace. "That's terrible, whatever it is."

"You're so brave." He buries his face in my hair, his mouth on my neck. "Whatever happens," he says, his lips at my ear. "Remember that I love you." He pulls his small crucifix over his head. "This is for you," he says and slips it over my head. I examine the crucifix.

"It's beautiful." I look up at him. "It's Marguerite's."

He nods. "It's very old." He holds my face in his hands. "Eve, when you look at the cross, you'll remember that the vampire who gave it to you loved you."

"I'll remember," I say. I smile at him and he makes a sound deep in his throat and kisses my cheeks, his tongue touching each dimple, one after the other.

"I love you," he says.

"You said that already," I say and smile. "Three times."

Then an explosion rocks the car.

"What happened?" I crane my head to look, but Michel takes hold of my face and makes me look in his eyes.

"Tell me you love me."

I smile. "Of course I do."

"Say it."

I kiss him. "I love you, Michel."

He kisses me back, deeply. Then he brushes my hair off my cheek.

"That should start to make you feel a bit dizzy."

As if on cue, I do start to feel a bit strange. The world spins for a second. The last thing I see is Michel's face, his clear blue eyes filled with tears as he lays me down on the seat.

"I'm so sorry…" he says, "…but I can't let you go to him."

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