Page 7 of Switched

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Chapter 10


Myheadpoundslikethere are a million little trolls inside chipping away for gold. I open my eyes slowly, the aching getting worse. As my vision clears, I see there isn’t even a light on in my room and my curtains are fully closed, giving me the darkness, I so desperately need at this moment. I slide my hands under me, pulling myself up into a sitting position when my stomach starts to churn. A small warning of what’s to come. I can’t even make it ten seconds without having to grab the trash can next to my bed. I guess that’s what I get for overdrinking last night. Shit, I haven’t drank like that in years. Not since my old party days. I glance over and see my cell phone sitting on my bedside table, grabbing it I look at the time. It’s already one in the afternoon. Shit. I missed my appointment with Chase. I go into my messages really quick and shoot him a quick text, apologizing for my lack of communication and telling him I’ve had a bad night but that I’m okay. I know him well and he’ll only worry about my wellbeing.

For some reason, a reason that I can’t pinpoint... I decide to text the subs who I have scheduled appointments with for the next week and cancel. Last night really fucked with my head and I know that I’ll be no good to any of them, not when my headspace is all over the place. I place my phone down on my pillow as I rise, my body screaming at me with every inch that I move. Before I’m even a couple of feet away from my bed I can hear my phone buzzing against my silk pillowcase. I’ll check it in a few minutes after I’m showered and have Advil in me.

I walk into the kitchen and go to the cupboard where all my medicines are kept, I grab two Advil and take them with water. My stomach twists as they go down and I know that eating right now won’t do me any good, so instead, I head straight to the shower. Hopefully, after I move for a little bit my body may start recovering. Odds are that it won’t, but alas I have plenty of electrolyte water in my fridge.

I turn the water on in the shower, making sure it’s boiling hot just as I like it. Quickly, I strip out of the chemise I’m in and kneel down at the bottom of the shower, allowing the hot water to cascade over my body, washing away everything that happened the night before. I don’t remember everything, but I do remember bits and pieces. Like me confessing my deepest, darkest needs to Drake. I pull my legs out from under me and sit at the bottom of the shower. The water calms me down, relaxing me in ways that I can’t even describe. I don’t remember getting home, so I try to piece together the broken bits of last night. It’s no use though, there’s no way I’ll be able to remember all of it. I was trashed.

I stand up, washing my hair and body quickly but not too fast. I don’t want to make myself even more nauseous and end up vomiting again. I’m such a chicken when it comes to throwing up. I turn the water off after my hair is suds free and wrap myself up in a towel, blow drying my hair enough but still leaving it a bit damp.

I walk back into my kitchen and grab an electrolyte water from the fridge. I always keep them around because they’re great for your body, but it doesn’t hurt to have them on hand for a surprise hangover as well. When I turn around, that’s when I notice my car keys on the island. Sitting next to it is a note. I make my way over, but just as I grab the fine paper in my hand, my doorbell rings. I set the note back down and walk over to my door, opening it I see Juan, my doorman.

“Afternoon, Madame.” He smiles, holding up the bag in his hands. I nod and he makes his way into my apartment, setting the bag on the kitchen island. I fetch my wallet and pull out a twenty to tip Juan for bringing me my food. As he leaves, and I shut the door behind him, I can smell French toast hit my senses, and surprisingly enough I don’t want to vomit at the thought of it.

I grab the container from the bag and open it, seeing an omelet with French toast on the side. I walk over to where the note is. Silverware is inside the container, so as I open the silverware with one hand, I open the note with the other.


I’m sure you don’t remember much from the previous night, don’t be alarmed. I made sure that you got home safely. I hope you enjoy your “breakfast”. Please make sure to drink plenty of fluids. Your car keys are on the counter and your car is parked in your reserved spot in the garage.

Take the day for yourself and relax.

I will see you tomorrow night at the Bellagio in the lobby at nine p.m. for dinner. Wear a gold dress and curl your hair.

All my best,


I eat my “breakfast” as Drake so called it in his note slowly, not wanting to upset my stomach any further. I can’t believe that he demands my presence at dinner tomorrow night, but at the same time, I can believe it. It’s just like him, the very essence of his nature.

I go back into my room, somewhat ready to respond to the abundance of text messages that I know I have, but the second I go to open up my messages my phone begins to ring. Miss. Sharpe is calling, and I wonder what my Dad’s lawyer wants to talk about now.

I’m sure it has something to do with what our next steps are to get him out of that hell hole.

“Hello, Miss. Sharpe.” I greet her, “I know you’re probably calling to go over our new game plan, but I really think it would be best to discuss it tomorrow.”

There’s a short pause on the other end. “Candace, that isn’t why I’m calling. The jail just notified me that your father has been shanked and is in the jail infirmary.”

I thought this week couldn’t get any worse, turns out it can.

Chapter 11


Ileanagainstthebar in the parlor at Club Crimson containing my anticipation to meet Candace later tonight at the Bellagio as I directed in the note I left her. I know she will not disappoint me and I’m very curious to know if she’s following my instructions on drinking plenty of liquids and recuperating from her drunk blackout moment. When I got home, I had to do some maintenance on my raging desire to have Candace. I closed my eyes to bring the images back of her looking up at me that night. Her glossed-over eyes showed her vulnerability, her need for me to fuck and claim her as my own.

I puff on my cigar, feeling very relaxed as Thomas and Jackson share a drink with me. Jackson lost a good amount again earlier today, betting himself broke on Roulette at the Venetian.

“Bring us up to date Drake. How are things with you and Candace? Is my luck going to pan out with you?” Jackson gives me a sly grin.

A slight feeling of guilt hits me in the gut. I forgot all about this bet I made with them. “It’s not about the bet anymore Jackson. It’s about Candace.” My voice is a little gruff.

Jackson chuckles “Is that doubt I sense in you, Drake? Didn’t you tell us all here, in this very same parlor, that you will switch Candace?”

The guilt in my gut changes to anger. My pulse picks up speed, and my muscles tense as I grip my glass of bourbon. “I’ve wanted Candace way before we all made this fucking wager! I’m doing everything in my damn power to make her mine.”
