Page 8 of Switched

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It starts to feel tense in our little circle. Thomas pats the lapel of my suit jacket. “What’s gotten into you, Drake?”

I fist his jacket, watching as his eyes go wide. “Fuck this, Thomas! All bets are off.” I let go of him and he takes a well-thought-out step back. “If you or anyone breathes a word of this bet, you’re all done. I have all your dirty deeds tucked away in a little flash drive and I will ruin you! Everyone within a hundred square mile radius of Vegas will know all the hidden skeletons in all of your closets. No one will ever work with you again. That I can guarantee.”

I swallow down the last of my bourbon, slam the glass on the bar, and walk away. There’s a light sprinkle of rain, which is very rare out here in this sinful desert, as I step outside the back door of the club. I need to calm the anger and guilt nagging in the back of my throat. I comb a hand through my hair, and puff on the cigar. Admitting the fact that I’ve always wanted Candace and speaking it out loud to Thomas and Jackson is the sobering truth.

Memories of Monica come flooding back. I loved her. But betrayal is a hard and serrated pill to swallow. I’m going to tear down those walls around Candace, but that also means my walls, to protect my own heart will have to have to come down too. But I’m not ready for that. Maybe I never will be.

She’s had to call the shots in all aspects of her life and she won’t give up any control until she realizes she can trust me. I need to be patient but firm with her. Then doubt rears its ugly head, which is very rare for someone like me. But what if Candace cannot give herself to me completely? Her mind, body, and soul. Because yes, I want all of her.

I toss the cigar and climb into my Porsche. I shift it in first gear, spinning tires on the slick pavement. I speed my way outside the city into the desert, to the Baptist Missionary, where my brother, Samuel lives and works to help and feed the poor and homeless.

I greet Samuel as I step into the Missionary and he gives me the same guaranteed look of bewilderment. The only similarity we have is the dark hair, but other than that, we are complete opposites. Where I am tall, he is of average height. I keep my emotions in check, while Samuel wears his heart on his sleeve. He is the good son in the eyes of our parents, helping the needy and outcasts of society, whereas I am the devil himself, with money, and sinful appetites of the flesh.

I sit down in one of the rickety wooden chairs, feeling cramped because of my tall frame. Samuel approaches, with his kind smile and sits down beside me. “Drake, it’s good to see you. How are things in the sinful city that you dwell in?”

I chuckle. “Oh, Sam. Do you really want to know the gory details?”

“Well, not specifics on the gory. But I hope all is well with you. It’s strange to find you here when you like to be out at night in the city.”

“I just needed a moment to shift gears, check on you. How are Mom and Pop? Are they well?”

“Mother is doing well. Pops is… well… you know how he is.”

“Yeah. If they ever need anything you let me know. They hate me so -”

Sam cuts me off. “No, they don’t hate you, Drake. They just feel they failed in raising you properly.”

I chuckle again. “Well, they got it half-way right. Look at you. They couldn’t be prouder of a son. It’s okay if they hate me. I’m past that.”

“Is that the only reason you came all the way out here brother? To talk about our parents?”

I run a hand through my unruly hair. “Have you ever been obsessed with a woman?”

Sam’s brows shoot up, and he chuckles so lowly that I almost don’t hear it. “This is not like you Drake. You have women bowing down to you, on their hands and knees. Literally!”

“Well yes. It’s what I do best as a matter of fact. But this woman I know. She’s a... very... similar... to me. She’s almost exactly like me.”

Sam leans away, “Remember Drake, I don’t understand some of what you say to describe people and relationships in the lifestyle you live.”

“I call the shots in everything I do and with people, I have relationships with. I’m a Dominant in all aspects of my life. She is the same as me. She’s a mystery and I’ve always been intrigued by her.”

“So, you are pursuing her. But you have doubts that what grows between the two of you will not work.”

“Yes. And I never have doubted myself before brother.”

“Self-doubt is human nature. I think it’s more than just the pursuit of this woman. You are in love with her.”

I groan out loud. “I don’t live and love in the vanilla world Sam. I dominate and control. I stay in control. I’m not willing to feel love.”

“If you want something with her, then there will come a day when you both will need to bend a little at times. Compromise.”

Even though Sam is the polar opposite of me, I’ve always felt at ease when I talk with him. I reach over and hug him “Thanks, Samuel.” I pull away. “It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you too Drake.”

Chapter 12

