Page 5 of Cowboy Bred

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“What the hellis going on with you, man? That girl belongs in a hospital! Both of you are being needlessly stubborn and I don’t get it! You always want to get rid of everybody, now all of a sudden you want that girl here instead of being taken care of by medical personnel? I thought that’s why you asked me to get the doc and Poppy?”

I shake my head. I don’t know what’s going on. All I know is I don’t want her to leave. No. I can’t let her leave. I need to be near her. Need to hear her soft breaths and watch over her. Take care of her.

And I sure as fuck don’t want the damn doctor all over her. He’s too smooth. Too good-looking. Probably rich too.

Of course, I’m very comfortable, thanks to watching my money. I’ve got plenty to take care of my girl like she should be taken care of.

“Hey!” He grabs my arm, shaking it. “Wake the hell up! Did you hit your head too?”


His mouth drops open. “That’s all you have to say? Nope! Seriously, Liam. I’ve known you a long time and you’re acting squirrely as hell right now. What’s going on?”

I shrug, clearing my throat, barely able to make the words come out. “I don’t know. I just know I can’t let her leave.”

“You mean…yet?” His head cocks to the side and he eyes me sharply.

“No. I don’t think that’s what I mean.”

“I hope you’re not trying to tell me that you’re planning to kidnap that woman. You do know that I’m a cop and that’s illegal.”

“I would never hold her against her will.” I shake my head vehemently. Just the thought of doing anything to hurt her practically curdles my stomach. “I don’t think she wants to leave either.”

His lips quirk up. “She seems to be stubborn just like you, man.”

A little grin tips my lips. It’s been a long time since I had a reason to smile. She’s my reason. I feel it.

“I like it.”

“Humph!” Clay snorts. “We’ll see how much you like it when she hands you your head on a platter. My wife’s done it plenty of times. It’s coming for you.”

I walk him out and watch the doctor and Poppy standing beside a dark pickup truck arguing.

“I’m okay with that. Just as long as she stays.”

Clay shrugs and steps down the steps, slamming his Stetson onto his head. “Good luck, buddy. If she’s what you want, I hope it all works out. Just don’t make me have to come out here. If she wants to leave, she leaves.”

Glaring at him balefully, I stomp down the steps to the doc. “I would never.”

“What the hell is going on with those two?” Both of us watch Poppy and the new doc arguing and then he picks her up and shoves her in the truck, muttering something under his breath.

Clay glances at me and I shrug. “No idea.”

The truck reverses out of the driveway and speeds away.

“Humph! I hope I don’t have to go pull those two out of a ditch or something.”

“I’d like to say I’ve never seen Poppy that pissed but you know I have and you know why.”

“I haven’t called you on her in a long time.”

“Thanks for that.” He gives me a smug smile. “I have a feeling you’re going to be too busy to worry about her for awhile now.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I chide him. “Get out of here so I can get back to my girl.”

“Your girl?”
