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“Ah, Helena, mind if I go sit on the couches by the fire?”

The look she gives me tells me she wants to say no. But then she smiles and nods her head. “Sure, I’ll bring your coffee over to you, hun.”

“Thanks.” I make myself comfortable in the same single wingback chair, which had offered me reprieve on that first night. I slip my shoes off and tuck my feet under my legs.

I’m deep in my list of items I want to purchase today and googling different furniture shops in the neighborhood, by the time Helena comes out with my coffee. She deposits the steaming mug on the table in front of me. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” I place the notepad and pen down and pick up the cup. “Mmm, this is bloody good. I needed this.”

“I’m glad you like it. Let me know if there’s anything else I can get you.”

After a few sips of the liquid gold, I dive back into my list. The more I think about what I need, the longer the list gets. It’s all becoming a little overwhelming. I’m not even sure where to start.

I check the time on my phone. Maybe I should call Reilly or my mum, and get some advice? I know… I’m the twenty-something-year-old who chose to stay at home, instead of moving out.

And, of course, I had to choose a foreign country as my first excursion, with no friends or family support. What the hell was I thinking? I can’t do this. Why did I think I could do this by myself?

I feel my eyes forming the tears. But I force them to remain at bay.I will not cry.I will not lose my shit in public—it’s become a new mantra or so it seems. I take in a calming breath, and that’s when I feel it.

That’s when I feelhim. He’s here. I don’t even have to look up to know he’s here. It would be super weird of me to just throw my arms around him and make him hug me right now. But that’s exactly what I want to do.

I want the feeling of his arms around me. Yet, I don’t turn around. I don’t run and jump him like the weirdo that I am. No, I just sit here, trying hard not to let the tears fall. I stare at my phone, willing it to ring. Have a message pop up. Anything to distract me from my own mind would be good.

I see his shiny black shoes stop in front of me. I don’t lift my head. Shit, why didn’t I just hightail it out of here when I felt his presence? One look at my watery eyes, and he’s going to know I’m weak. He will know I’m not who he thought I was. I’m not some strong, independent woman who can leave her whole life behind to start a new one in a city nothing like her own.

Theo sits down on the coffee table right in front of me. I want to look up, to acknowledge that he’s there, but I just need another minute to make sure I can plaster on the happy face he deserves to see. He doesn’t wait for me. He places his fingers under my chin, raising my eyes. I feel his lips touch my forehead, and I melt into him. How can a single touch make me feel like this? Warm and comforted. No words needed. Just a single touch, and it’s as if everything is going to be okay.

“Good morning, dolcezza.” His eyes travel along my face before they harden. “What’s wrong? Who the fuck made you cry?” The harsh tone jolts me back. I was expecting him to be confused, or to find an excuse to make a hasty escape. But not the anger…

“Um, nothing. I’m just tired—that’s all. You know, this whole jet lag thing is a bitch.” I try to shrug it off.

“Holly, you’re a shitty liar, but we’ll work on that. Right now, I want you to tell me what’s actually wrong?”

“I’m not a shitty liar. And I’m fine. A little overwhelmed, maybe. I don’t know… It’s just hit me that I’ve moved across the bloody world with no family. No friends. I’m suddenly alone for the first time in my whole life. I guess it’s just more than I expected. I was making a list of all the things I need to go and get today and… I don’t know… It’s just…a lot.”Way to act cool, Holly.I don’t know how he does it, but he makes me spill everything I’m holding inside, and I actually feel a little better now that I got it out to someone.

“Okay.” He takes both of my hands in his. “First, you’re not alone. You have me. Second, where’s your list? How about we tackle it together?”

“Oh, no, you don’t have to waste your time shopping with me. I’ll be fine, really. I’m sorry to put all of that on you. I was just having a moment. But I’ll be fine. It’s just furniture shopping. It’s not like it’s hard. You just go about whatever it is you do. And I’m going to finish my coffee, order another one to go, and get stuck into a day of shopping.” Theo picks up my notebook and takes a picture of the list of shops I jotted down. “What are you doing?” I ask, confused.

“Sending my driver our intended stops for today. You finish your coffee. And I’ll ask Helena to make you another one to go.” He’s up and walking over to the counter before I can think of a response. He’s not seriously going to spend the day furniture shopping with me, is he? Why would he do that?


When I saw the tears forming in Holly’s eyes, I wanted blood. I’ve never felt a rage so fierce; the thought that someone had upset her pissed me the fuck off. I wanted to be her dark knight, avenging her honor.

Then, when I discovered she was just overwhelmed with everything, I wanted to be her white knight, solving all of her problems and taking the burden from her shoulders.

I had a list of jobs to do today, which I’m now passing off to Neo, all because I can’t seem to leave Holly when I know she’s struggling. If I don’t fix this for her, she could very well jump on a plane home.

At this point, I’d follow her, just to bring her back here anyway. I haven’t felt this possessive—this protective—over anyone before. And it’s fucking unsettling. I’m not about to ignore it though; something tells me it’s a once in a lifetime sort of thing.

“Helena, can you make Holly a coffee to go?” I ask distractedly as I text Neo.

“Sure, but don’t think you’re getting away with this that easily, T. What’s going on with you two?” Helena is the family gossip—and by now, I’m sure all the cousins and aunts know that Holly exists.

“You have to keep your lips sealed about this one, Helena,” I warn her. The last thing I want is word getting back to my fucking father. “I mean it. She’s important, and I just need time to sort shit out before I bring her into the family.”

Helena’s eyes widen at my words. “What about Lana?”
