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“What about her? You know, as well as I do, that L and I will only end up killing each other if we have to go through with this shit.”

“Okay, I won’t say anything. But not for you. I happen to like Holly. She’s a breath of fresh air.” Helena walks away.

My phone goes off with messages from Neo asking, in his words exactly:what I’m doing that’s so important I need him to cover for my sorry ass.But I choose to ignore him.

I approach Holly as she’s packing her notebook and pen into her bag. She stands and turns right into me, stumbling back a step. I reach out a hand to steady her. “I knew I’d get you to fall for me eventually.” I laugh.

“Like you’d even have to try.” Holly inches away, effectively untangling herself from my hold. “I’m just going to go and pay for my coffee. You really don’t need to waste your day shopping with me, you know.”

“Trust me, dolcezza, I have purely selfish reasons for wanting to spend the day with you. Are you ready to get out of here?” I ask, taking hold of her palm.

Holly looks down at our now conjoined hands and then back up at me. “Ah, yeah, let me just stop at the counter first.”

“There’s no need. It’s been taken care of.” In the past, most girls loved it when I paid for their shit for them. Holly is not like most girls…

Nope, she doesn’t look the least bit impressed. She snaps her hand free from mine and places her closed fists on her hips. Her lips tighten as she glares at me. “I don’t now—nor have Iever—needed a man to pay for my damn coffee. I will pay for my own shit. I don’t care if you’ve got more money than Trump. I can pay for my own bloody coffee.”

I smile down at her. Everyone else in the café has gone eerily quiet. Some have already made a hasty escape towards the exit. Speaking of infinitives,no onetalks to me like this.Ever.

I lean into her space. Holding her face in both of my palms, I tilt it upwards and slam my lips down hard on hers. Her gasp gives me the entrance my tongue was hoping for, as it swirls around inside her mouth. I get my first taste of her. And instantly, I know this woman could very well be my downfall. All it took was: three heartbeats, two seconds, and one taste. And I was hers.

I know I’ll do anything to keep this forever. Once her shock wears off, she returns the kiss with fervor. Her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer.Tighter.Little does she know… her efforts are pointless. Because I’m never letting go.

My hands move backwards, tangling in the long, soft strands of her hair. Her vanilla scent fills my nostrils, the soft curves of her body a distinct contrast to the hard ridges of mine, as she presses up against me. I slowly pull away, resisting everything the rest of me is screaming out to do. If I don’t stop now, I’ll end up having her sprawled across a table. Spread out in front of me.

Leaning in, I whisper in her ear, “If it really means that much to you, I’ll give you my banking information and you can pay me back. However, you can never do so upfront. Especially not here. It’s something I can’t explain just yet… but in our family, I have to pay for my woman.”

Holly shakes her head, like she’s trying to clear her thoughts. “Well, I’ll agree to those terms—at the moment—and pay you back every penny. But mebeing your womanis awfully presumptuous of you. We haven’t even had a first date yet.”

“You are my woman; you just haven’t accepted it yet. Now, should we start our day and the beginning of our second definitely not-a-date?” I take hold of her hand again and lead her out of the café.

Loui, my driver, is waiting at the sidewalk. He opens the back passenger door as we approach the car. “Morning, boss.”

“Morning, you get the list I sent?”

“Sure did. I’ve got Sammy and Jonny scouting out the shops ahead of us.”

“Great.” I wait for Holly to jump in the back seat before I lean in to Loui. “If anything goes down today, get her the fuck out. That’s an order.”

Loui doesn’t let his shock show outwardly, but the tiny flicker in his eyes tells me it’s there all the same. “Ah, sure thing, boss. Are we expecting trouble?”

“Always.” I smirk. We’re the fucking mafia; there’s always troubleandpeople looking to start it. I’m also not usually out in public during daylight hours, so my vigilance is heightened.

I’m a little on edge during the car ride to the first store. Holding Holly’s hand in mine, I rest it on my thigh. My thumb absentmindedly circles her wrist.

“Are you sure you want to be doing this? I really don’t mind going alone.”

“I’m certain there is nothing else I’d rather be doing.” I turn and look her up and down. She’s fully covered in a pair of jeans and a big coat—I’d love to get her out of those clothes.“Well, maybe there is one thing I’d rather be doing, but considering this is only our second not-a-date, I think I’ll wait until at least the third.”

“At least, huh?” she says as a blush runs up her cheeks.

The car pulls up to the curb outside the first store. I reach over and stop Holly from exiting—like she was about to. “Always wait for the door to be openedfor you.” I can tell by her expression she doesn’t like that idea.At all.“Please. I know it probably seems odd, or pointless, but trust me on this. I need you to always wait for Loui to open your door. It’s his job, a job he takes very seriously, and it would be hard for him to do his job if you don’t wait.”

I decide to leave out the part about it being for her own safety—the delay gives Loui time to check our surroundings before she exits. The whole car is bulletproof and tinted. No one can see that she’s inside, but they most certainly fucking know I’d be.

I won’t have her harmed in the crossfire. Fuck, maybe this was a bad idea, bringing her out. If she had gone by herself, no one would know she’s important to me. No one would see us together and realize she’s my one weakness—one I swore I’d never have.

“Okay, but just so we’re on the same page, I’m more than capable of opening my own doors.” She smiles.

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