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Seeing her face light up releases some of the tension in my shoulders. I can’t help myself. I lean in and lay a gentle kiss on her lips. “Thank you,” I whisper as the door opens. I climb out and scan up and down the street, before turning back into the car and offering her my hand.

“You know, you have this whole gentleman routine down pat. Your mother must have taught you well.”

“I’m sure she’ll be pleased to hear that. You should tell her when you meet her.” I smirk, knowing that my mother would love nothing more than to hear what a great job she’s done raising me.

Holly coughs before nodding her head. “Sure, but let’s save that for our fiftieth non-date, shall we?”

“Maybe. We’ll see.”

* * *

Shopping with Holly wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. We’re at store number five. Over the last four hours, she’s gone around and around the same five stops on her list. She’s made a few purchases, but they haven’t progressed easily.

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so indecisive when it comes to choosing furniture. I don’t complain though. I’m obsessed with learning every little thing there is to know about her, locking every tiny facial expression away in my memory.

Who would have thought her contemplative look would be so damn captivating? She’s fucking stunning. I’ve scowled at more men than I can count, urging them not-so-subtly to avert their fucking eyes.

“Mr. Valentino, it’s great to see you. What brings you in today?” Calli smiles brightly at me from the counter. Her overly painted red lips turn down slightly when she spots my gorgeous companion.

I know Calli very well. We went to school together; her familyassociateswith mine. Why didn’t I remember she fucking owned this furniture shop? “I’m helping a friend out. Holly’s just moved here; she’s furnishing a whole apartment.”

“Oh. That’s great. Also, I hear congratulations are in order. You and Lana finally set a wedding date. And on Valentine’s Day of all days—it’s so romantic, T,” Calli says wistfully.

Fuck. This is not going to bode well for me. I see it before I even turn. Hear it before the contact is even made. The hand that comes and strikes me right across the face. I could have blocked it, but I didn’t.

“Holly, wait. It’s not what you think.” Fuck, even I know I sound fucking lame.

“What I think… is that you’re engaged, Theo. Tell me it’s not true?” she pleads.

“I am, but it’s not in the way you’re suggesting.” I look around and see we’re causing quite the spectacle in the middle of a public place. “Come with me. Let me explain.”

“Explain? No need. I understand quite perfectly. I honestly thought you were different… special.” She shakes her head and spins on her heel.

Fuck, I cannot let her walk away from me like this.


Ican’t believe I let myself fall into this false sense of security with Theo. Honestly, deep down in my soul, I thought he was different. Why does my heart feel like it just shattered?

I’ve only known this man for two bloody days. It shouldn’t hurt this bad. It’s never hurt like this before. I don’t get it. I don’tlikeit.

I turn and walk away. I need to get out of this shop before I fall apart in front of everyone. I need to get back to my apartment.

My whole body is suddenly lifted off the ground. I don’t even have time to think before I’m thrown over a broad shoulder.Fat lot of good Bray’s self-defense techniques have done me.

“Stop! Put me down before I scream bloody murder,” I seethe.

“I’m never letting you walk away from me, Holly. Scream all you like; no one will do a damn thing to stop me.”

I wiggle as much as I can, hit and kick my legs, all while screaming my lungs out. But he’s right; no one does a thing to help me. I’m thrown into the back seat of the car again, and Theo quickly climbs in before slamming the door shut.

“Loui take us to my apartment,” Theo grunts out.

“No, Loui, let me the fuck out of here.” I try the door handles—and of course they don’t bloody open.

“I told you: I’m not letting you go. I need to explain things to you, but I can’t do that here.”

“And I toldyou: I don’t need you to explain. I understand how engagements and marriages work, Theo. I’m not a bloody idiot.”
