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Our truth? Is he for real? We barely know each other, and he’s so insistent on everything being anus.Together.But then again, who am I to argue if this god of a man wants to be anuswith me?

It’s during times like these I wonder if my brother is looking out for me. Do our deceased loved ones really guide us from above? It’s a nice notion, but I’m not convinced. For years, I’ve asked Dylan to send me a sign that he’s still with us. Just something that tells me he’s not gone forever. I must be cynical… because I’ve yet to see a thing. Reilly says she does, and I believe that shebelievesshe does. I just haven’t witnessed it firsthand.

“If you are up there, Dyl, please help me find the strength to get through this. For the love of everything, do not let me pass out again,” I offer the silent prayer in my head as I wait for Theo to open my door. “Thank you,” I say, as I take his extended palm and he gently tugs me forward.

“Anytime.” He winks at me, and I just about melt into a puddle right here in the car park of this—well, whateverthisis.

“Ah, where are we?” I scan our surroundings. The whole area looks shady as hell. Deserted. There’s one old warehouse-type building directly in front of us, flanked by similar-looking structures. We didn’t drive that far so I know we are still somewhat close to the city, yet everything looks as if it hasn’t seen life for centuries.

“I own the place. Don’t worry, no one’s around.” Theo places his hand on my lower back and guides me into the building.

“I don’t know how else to put it, but this place is creepy as hell, Theo. I feel like I’m the stupid girl in every horror film—the one who’s placing all her trust in the serial killer leading her to her untimely demise.”

“You’re right; you are far too trusting. Don’t trust anyone you meet from my family, Holly. Other than me of course.”

“Of course. What about Neo? You seem close with him.”

“I trust him with my life. If something were to happen to me and I wasn’t around, he’s the one you need to find. He’ll take care of you.”

“I don’t need anyone to take care of me. And what the hell do you think is going to happen to you?” I’m getting worked up over the mere idea of something happening to him. Oh God, I didn’t think this through. WhatwasI thinking? I can’t date a mobster, a mafia man. I don’t have it in me to be that strong. I know my limits, and this is far beyond them.

Why couldn’t Theo just be an ordinary banker or a lawyer even? No, I had to go fall in love with a criminal. Someone who probably does unspeakable things. Someone with lots of enemies… I’ve seenThe Godfather. I know how it all works. Kind of, anyway.

Wait… love? Where did that come from? I’m not in love with him, am I?

“Have you ever been in love?” I blurt out before covering my mouth with my hands. Yep, way to have him sprinting faster than the Road Runner.

“Holly, your mind is overcomplicating things. I can literally see the wheels spinning in your eyes. Don’t be afraid to ask me anything. I might not be able to answer all of your questions, but I’ll do my best to give you what I can.” He cups my face in his hands. “Have I been in love? I used to think the notion of love was just something they sold in movies. But now, yeah, I think I’ve been in love.”

“Oh, okay, cool.” I try to mask the hurt. He’s been in love with someone else. “What happened to her?” I ask, needing to know.

“Nothing’s happened to her. I’m looking at her right now.”

I freeze. My mind, my body, everything freezes. He can’t be serious. “This is crazy, Theo. I don’t even know your favorite movie. How can we possibly be in love?”

“I don’t think it’s about knowing everything about one another. I think our soulsknoweach other.”

“Maybe.” I consider what he said. It’s a strange sensation: to feel something so deep for someone you barely know anything about.

“Come on. Let’s make you the best shot this town has ever seen.”

“I’d settle for just not passing out.”

“That too.” He laughs.

* * *

We’ve been at this for two hours. I’ve succeeded in not fainting. Have I hit any targets? Not a single one. But I can now hold a gun. I’m not working up a sweat. And I’m not on the brink of tears.

I still don’t love these things. If I could avoid ever having to deal with them, I would. But Theo insists I know how to protect myself. That being said, I’m not sure I’m ever going to be able to aim a gun at an actual living person in order to do so.

“Holly, I want you to imagine that someone is at the other end, where that target is. They’re about to shoot you. You need to save yourself, and the only way you can do that is to shoot first.”

I try again. I lift the gun, aim, and fire. “Did I get it?” I ask.

“Not quite.” He pauses. “Okay, let’s take a break. I have another idea, but I need to get Neo out here.”

Half an hour later, Neo walks into the shed with a gun in his hands. I don’t freak out.Much.That is, until he hits Theo over the back of the head with the butt. Now I’m officially freaked the hell out. What’s happening? They’re both on the ground scrambling with each other.
