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“Fuck you, I’m going to fucking kill you, idiot,” Theo roars as he punches his cousin over and over.

I back up against the wall. I don’t know what to do. I have to dosomething. Theo was just telling me that Neo was the one to go to if anything were to happen to him. Why the hell are they trying to kill each other now?

Somehow, in all the chaos, Neo ends up on top while aiming the barrel directly at Theo’s head. “You think you can best me? Think again, cousin.” Neo spits a heap of blood onto the ground.

“Holly, get out of here—now!” Theo yells over at me. How the hell does he expect me to just leave him here?I need to do something,I tell myself again. I will not lose him when I only just found him.

“N-no,” I say walking towards them. I see the gun I was using for practice and pick it up.

“Holly, no. Get out of here.”

“You should listen to your boy, sweetheart. I won’t stop at him. You know, no witnesses and all.” Neo smirks.

The look that crosses Theo’s face is thunderous. I’d be scared if I was on the other end of that look.

“No… I don’t know why you’re doing this, Neo. And I’m sorry, really sorry but I can’t let you do this.” I aim the gun at his chest and, without a second thought, I pull the trigger. The sound reverberates around the room, and I watch as Neo falls to the ground. I crumble right along with him.

Theo is by my side within seconds, wiping my hair away from my face. “Holly, you did it. You were fucking amazing. I fucking love you.” I have ugly tears running down my face, and now’s the time he chooses to say those three little words?

“I’m sorry… I don’t know. I’m sorry. Shit, what have I done?”

“Damn, Holly, I didn’t think you had it in you. Talk about lethal. You’ll make one hell of a queen. No one will see you coming.” Neo cracks his neck before sitting upright.

I jolt out of Theo’s arms. The two cousins are smiling at each other like they just discovered sliced bread for the first time.

“What? What the hell?”

“Sorry, dolcezza, I had to use drastic measures to get you to overcome your fear.”

“You think scaring me to death was the way to do that? To have me think you were about to die? Do you have any idea how that bloody feels, Theo?” Now I’m angry. I’m beyond angry. Fuck him and his mind games.

“Holly, you did it. Was it scary? Yes. But it worked. You picked up that gun, you shot, and you actually hit your target.”

“Yeah, well, I should have bloody aimed higher. I’m not a toy with buttons you can press as you see fit. Next time you have a gun pointed at your head, save yourself. Because I won’t be around to help you.”

“Wait, okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Theo tries to argue. I raise my eyebrows at him.Really? Because I thought scaring me to death was exactly what he wanted.“Okay, I did. But it was for a good reason. You were fine. I was fine. We are fine.”

“You know what? You’re right. I’m sorry for overreacting. Can I have the keys to the car? I need to get my coat. It’s chilly in here.”

“Sure. We can get out of here if you want. Give me a minute to close up.” I let him kiss my forehead as he hands me the keys.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll be back in a sec. I just need my coat.” I take the keys and walk out as calmly as I can. Once the vehicle is within eyesight, I don’t waste time getting into the driver’s seat and locking the doors. I’m thankful he’s another idiot who loves fast cars, because before I see Theo at the door of the building, I already have the car screeching onto the street.

I can drive. It’s the one thing that usually surprises everyone, just how much I love a fast ride. I don’t let up on the gas, weaving in and out of traffic. But I don’t have a destination in mind. I just drive. It doesn’t take too long to get the hang of the whole driving on the right side of the road thing, and soon it’s like I have been doing it this way my whole life.

I can see Neo’s car trailing behind me. I know he’s struggling to keep up with my erratic maneuvering. I still have no idea where I’m headed. I almost lose Neo’s tail over the Brooklyn Bridge. But I purposely slow down to let them catch up.

Two hours later, I follow a turn off sign that reads: Hampton Beach. A beach sounds like a good place to stop. I love the beach. I’ve seen more of New York in the last few hours than in the entirety of my stay. Why didn’t I just rent a car and do this sooner?

I pull into a beach car park and stop the engine. I’m sitting on the bonnet of his extremely expensive car when a thunderous Theo comes storming towards me.

Shit, he looks bloody furious.


She stole my car. I can’t believe she stole my fucking car. For over two hours, we’ve been struggling to keep up with her goddamn joyriding. For over two fucking hours, my heart has been at risk of exploding. I probably have fucking gray hairs. What the hell was she thinking, driving off like that? Does she have no sense of self-preservation?

I’m storming towards her—she’s sitting on the hood of my eight-hundred-thousand-dollar car. I’m fucking fuming that she took off like that. However, my relief over the fact she’s in one piece and not sinking in the fucking East River is palpable.
