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“My mother has never done that before. She’s not usually like this. You’re right: she’s grieving. However, she will give you the respect you deserve. I won’t allow anyone to disrespect you, Holly. Not even my mother.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. My head rests above hers, and I breathe in her coconut and vanilla scent.

It’s calming; she’s calming. Right now, my body is drained, and my mind is running a mile a minute with everything I have to fucking do. I’m not even sworn in as the Don yet, and I’m already exhausted.

“Theo, I need a word.” This comes from my Uncle Gabe, who is also my father’s consigliere.Wasmy father’s consigliere… I guess, now he’s mine. If I choose to keep him on in that role…

The position is basically the advisor to the Don; he’s trusted and responsible for assisting in settling family disputes and counseling on a range of business matters. I trust my Uncle Gabe. He is Neo’s father after all.

With Neo stepping up as my underboss, I believe Gabe would have the family’s best interests at heart.Always.He’d do anything for his son, no matter what. Something I was always a little jealous of. As I mentioned, my pops was a decent father, but he was a far better mafia boss—the kind of man who’d put a bullet in his own son’s head if the kid did anything that wasn’t acceptable to the family. That’s where the two differed: my uncle wouldn’t just kill for his children; he’d die for them.

“Ah, sure. Uncle Gabe, this is Holly. Holly, Uncle Gabe, also known as Neo’s father.” I wave my hand back and forth between the two.

“Hi.” Holly gives a shy wave. She’s withdrawn and on guard after meeting with my mother. I don’t blame her; I would be too.

“It’s nice to meet you, Holly. I’m sorry, but I do have urgent matters to discuss with Theo.”

“Of course. I’ll just, ah, wait…” Holly looks around the room as her sentence trails off.

“Hold on.” I take out my phone and call Neo.

He answers on the first ring. “Boss?”

“Where are you?” I ask.

“Just pulled up out front of your parents. Where are you?”

“Meet me in the library.” I hang up and turn back to Holly.

“Dolcezza, I’m sorry. I do have to go and sort some things out. I’ll have Neo wait in here with you. I won’t be long.” I kiss her forehead just as my cousin enters.

“You summoned me?” he calls out.

Uncle Gabe slaps him across the back of the head. “That’s the boss you’re speaking to, son. Show some respect.”

“Right, sorry, boss. What do you need?” Neo smirks at me.

“Shut up. Stay in here with Holly, and keep my mother away from her.”

Walking into my father’s office feels wrong. He’s not here—though he should be. I purposely sit on the sofa. I’m not sitting behind that desk, a fact that doesn’t escape Uncle Gabe.

“Theo, I know you just lost your father. But the family, the men, they just lost their leader. You need to step up and take charge immediately. Show them that this family will not falter under attack.”

“I know.” I run my hands through my hair. “What do I do, Gabe? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here,” I confess.

“Yes, you do. You’ve been preparing for this your whole life. Youarea leader, Theo. So, you lead.”

“What if I can’t do it?”

Gabe watches me silently for a few minutes, contemplating his next words. He’s always careful when he speaks; it’s what makes him good at his job. “Do you love her?”

Okay, not the question I was expecting... “Who?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, son. It doesn’t suit you. The redhead you’ve got holed up in the library.”

“Holly? Yeah, I do.” I look towards the door. I’m itching to get back out there.To get to her.

“The first thing your enemies are going to see is your weakness. She’s your weakness.”

“You’re wrong. She’s my strength. Right now, she’s the only thing holding me together.”
