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“I’m scared I’m losing you already. And I don’t know how to stop it. But even if I do, if something were to happen, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“You’re not losing me. I’m yours.That much,I can promise.”


I’m gripping Holly’s hand tighter than I should. I can’t help it. I’m leaning on her strength right now. She thinks she’s weak, but she is stronger than any man I know.

Climbing the steps of my family home, with Holly by my side, I almost expect my father to walk out and demand to know who she is and why I’ve brought her here. He’s not going to walk out though; he’s never going to walk out again.

The front doors swing open and Teresa wraps her arms around me. She’s sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Valentino.” She quickly pulls away and straightens out her dress.

Tugging Holly closer to my side, I ignore my housekeeper’s sympathies and introduce my soon-to-be queen. “Teresa, this is Holly. Make sure she gets anything she needs. Holly, this is my family’s housekeeper—Teresa.”

Holly looks from me to the distraught woman in front of us. Then she pulls her hand free of mine and hugs Teresa. “I’m sorry for your loss, Teresa. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.” Holly drops the embrace and I’m quick to take her hand again.

“Thank you. Mr. Valentino, your mother is in the library.” Teresa steps back to let us through the doors.

“Thank you, Teresa.” I offer a nod of my head.

Holly stops in the foyer, wide-eyed. I try to look at the place from her point of view, as someone with new eyes. Clearly no expense has been spared; my mother has a niche for decoratingandspending my father’s money. The floors are white and black marble, while everything else is shades of gold and cream, right down to the huge bouquet of white and cream flowers on every table throughout the foyer.

“It’s so beautiful, Theo. I can’t believe this is where you grew up.” She turns, eyeing the elaborate winding staircase.

“I’ll give you a tour soon. Come on.” I pull her through the foyer towards the library.

I find my mother sitting on her favorite chair, with a glass of wine in her hand. She’s staring off into space.

“Mamma.” I walk up to her and take the glass, placing it on the table next to her before kissing her on each cheek.

“Theo. You’re okay?” she asks as she inspects my face. It’s still discolored from my run-in the other night.

“I’m doin’ fine. Mamma, I want you to meet my friend—Holly.” I stand and pull our quiet onlooker forward.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Valentino. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“I’m sure you are, my dear.” My mother rises to her feet, and her hand comes out and slaps me across the face before I can even think to stop it. I knew she wouldn’t be impressed with Holly, but this reaction is a bit dramatic, even for my mother.

“Mamma, what the fuck?” I instinctually step in front of Holly. I will protect her at all costs, no matter the aggressor.

“Please tell me you didn’t do this, Theo. It can’t be. What have you done?” my mother cries out.

Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her still. “It wasn’t me, Mamma, I swear to you. It wasn’t me.”

“Who was it then?”

“I can’t tell you that.”I really can’t.

“The family will want answers, Theo. What are you going to tell them?”

“The truth: that the person responsible has been dealt with.” What the fuckamI going to tell them? And Lana’s family? I’m sure Lana’s brother, John, is flying in from Italy as we speak. He’s been overseeing the international family businesses for the past few years. I can’t let him know it was Lana; there is no doubt in my mind he’d execute her himself. “What arrangements need to be made?” I shift the conversation.

“Father Thomas is visiting for lunch. You’ll stay and help me organize the service and viewing.Your friendneeds to go home, Theo. She doesn’t belong here.” My mother picks up her drink and walks out of the room.

“I, um, do you want me to go? I don’t want to cause trouble, T.”

“You’re not leaving, Holly. I don’t care what anyone says. Your place is right beside me; you belong with me.”

“Mmm, I know that. You know that. But your mother clearly has other ideas, and she’s grieving right now. I don’t want to upset her any further. That being said, I’d like to cut the hand off that slapped you.” Holly runs her fingertips over my cheek.

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