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“Don’t ever risk yourself for me, Angel. Trust me, I can handle whatever they dish out. Come on, let’s go home.”

“I don’t even know where home is anymore,” she says, looking up at me with sad eyes.

“Well, that’s easy. It’s with me. Obviously.” I wink, taking her hand as we walk out of the room and leave the massacre behind us. My attempts to get her out of this building as quickly as possible are squashed when we exit, only to find every fucking man and his dog just standing around.

“Angelica, stai bene?” Donatello, Angelica’s father asks, not making a move. The Italian Don has appeared out of nowhere.

“Sì, sto bene,” she answers.I’m fine.

Donatello eyes her from head to toe before nodding once and aiming his glare at me. “I expect to see you soon.” Then he turns and walks out, his men following his steps. I don’t respond; instead, I’m busy observing Angelica and trying to figure out what she thinks of all this.

She doesn’t say anything, doesn’t let any emotion show on her face. Before she can meet my eyes, T is knocked out cold and sprawled out on the ground—neither of us see it coming.

“What the fuck!” I yell as I reach behind my back for my gun, but it’s not there. The fucking Irish asshole stripped me clean. But it doesn’t matter. I don’t need a gun to kill this fucker. I’ve wanted to put a stop to his cocky-ass confidence since the day I met him. “I’m going to enjoy watching you take your last breath as I dig my knife into your heart and cut it from your chest,” I seethe at Bray, Holly’s brother-in-law and Reilly’s husband. He materialized behind Donatello, likely in search of his wife.

“Well, as graphic as that image is, I’d love to see you try.” He laughs.

I take a step forward, to lunge at him, when Angelica steps in front of me. “Neo, we can finish this later. We need to get T out of here. Now.”

I look down at her hand pressing against my chest. I wouldn’t usually let anyone get in the way of my plans of bloody revenge. Especially when I want to inflict pain on this idiot so fucking badly. But something about this woman has me pausing.

“Lo terrò io stesso a freno. Ma ora non è il momento.” Angelica speaking our native tongue has my dick fucking hard in seconds. Though, her promises to hold Bray down while I cut out his heart probably have something to do with my boner.

Leaning in, I whisper into her ear, “I’m going to take you up on that, and when I’m done with him, I’m going to bend you over and fuck you while we’re both covered in his blood.”

“Deal.” She smiles. “Now, you.” Angelica spins around to face her brother’s most recent attacker. “Help him.” She points her thumb back towards me. “Carry T to the car. And if you ever think about laying hands on my brother again, Neo will be the last of your worries. I can promise you that.”

“Fuck, Angel, I don’t think my dick can take any more of your fucking sexiness. Come on, we need to get home.” I bend down and lift my unconscious best friend. “Reilly, call your sister and tell her to get the doc out to the estate.”

Bray grumbles as he takes half of T’s weight from the other side. And together, we get him into the SUV, laying him across the back seat.

* * *

“I really hope you’re all prepared for what’s about to happen,” I warn everyone as we drag T out of the car and head inside the estate. Handing him off to two of the soldiers waiting by the entrance, I instruct them to take him straight upstairs. I’m hoping I can get him up there before we face Holly.

“What do you mean?” Angelica glances around, looking for a threat. Except the threat is one they’ll never see coming.

Holly is in the foyer as soon as we enter; she runs to her sister. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Rye. I’m so sorry,” she cries.

“This wasn’t your fault, Hol. And I’m okay. I’m fine,” Reilly assures her.

Holly steps back and looks between us. “Where’s my husband?” She directs the question at me. “Where is he?”

That’s when the two soldiers carrying T decide to walk in through the front door behind us. Fuckers… I thought they’d know to be more discreet.

“What the bloody hell happened? T, oh my god. Who the hell did this? What’s wrong with him? Neo, what happened?” Holly screams as her hands hold Theo’s flopping head up and to the side.

“Sweetheart, we need to get him on a bed. Did you call the doctor?” I redirect her, gripping her waist and pulling her back. She doesn’t answer. Tears are now streaming down her face. I know Holly despises crying in front of people. “You two, come on. Get him upstairs,” I instruct our men.

“Holly, he’s going to be fine. He’s just a little… unconscious right now.” I hug her, holding her back and stopping her from running after them.

“Just a little…? How could you let this happen? I can’t do this. No. Let me go, Neo!” She fights against my hold.

I release her and she rushes up the stairs in search of her husband. We all follow suit.

“Rye, what happened?” Holly turns to her sister, and Reilly looks between her own husband and Holly.

“I hit him. He’ll wake up any minute now, Holly,” Bray answers for his wife.

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