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My mind is a mess. I need to focus. I need to get into that house and find my daughter. Find my sister.

Lola… I thought she’d be dead by now. I found peace in knowing that she’d be in heaven. I never once thought she could possibly still be alive after all these years. The thought of what kind of life she’s endured has me livid. Knowing the same people who have had her also took Izzy makes my insides churn. Has Lola been in New York the whole time? I’ve failed her. What kind of brother am I, that I gave up looking for her?

I’m going to get them both out of that house. I don’t know how I can ever repair the damage my sister has incurred. But I’ll die trying to save her.

I hope like fuck I’m not too late. If they’ve touched Izzy… No, I can’t imagine that. I need to focus. This is the most important job of my life. Getting my daughter back in the arms of her mother. I’ve decided that as soon as we get her out, we’re leaving. I’m taking them both far away from this hell of a life. I will not put them at risk again.

I’m walking behind Angelica as we climb the stairs of the building with the best vantage point for her sniper rifle. She’ll be able to take down the men patrolling the house from up here.

I fucking hate that she’s doing this. I wanted her to stay home. I know what it does to her to take a life. No matter how much she wants to do it in the heat of the moment.

“I wish I could do this for you,” I tell her as we exit the stairway to the roof.

“You’d miss,” she says, not looking back at me. I don’t want to leave her up here. But I know she won’t be alone; she’ll have five of our soldiers with her. I just fucking hate not being the one protecting her.

How do you split yourself between two places? To protect the two most important people in your life?

You fucking can’t.Ifucking can’t. I have to accept the fact that Angelica is a capable fucking badass. She’s a trained assassin. I know this isn’t her first time doing something like this. That being said, it doesn’t make me hate it any less.

I watch in silence as she sets up her rifle. Entering something into a tablet next to her, she positions the weapon and looks through its sight. “Okay, when you see the first one go down, wait exactly two minutes, then go in.”

“Angelica, when you’re done, you go straight back to the car and wait for us to bring her out, yeah?” I remind her of the plan. I have no fucking doubt that she’s not going to stick to it; however, that doesn’t mean I can’t hope.

“Yep, to the car. Got it. Please, just bring her back.”

“I will,” I promise, knowing full well there’s a good chance Izzy isn’t even inside.

Five minutes later, we’re waiting in the shadows of the night, near our target location. I shut down my laptop. I’ve just disabled their whole fucking security system.

“You ready?” T asks me.

“Yep, you?”

“Fuck yes. You get Izzy. I’ll get Lola. Don’t stray from the fucking plan, Neo. In and out.”

“Yup,” I agree, pulling out my phone and sending Angelica a text.


She doesn’t reply but I know she’s read it. Seconds later, I hear a grunt, followed by the sounds of bodies hitting pavement—something like athud. In less than two minutes, we see every man they had stationed out front motionless and sprawled out on the ground.

Rushing forward, I kick open the gates and run up the path, passing each of the fallen men along the way. All with clean shots right in the middle of their fucking foreheads.

“Fucking hell. Remind me not to piss off my fucking sister. Ever,” T grunts at my back. I don’t reply. With a gun in each hand, I stand aside and let him open the front door. We slide in undetected. I know our men have entered from the sides and rear of the house when I hear gunshots and screams.

Two guys come running our way. I don’t think. I just fire and smile as their bodies hit the deck. Fucking assholes. I spit on them as I walk past. I’ve memorized the floor plan. T and I are making our way straight to the basement, where we assume they are holding the girls.

Our men are taking out every son of a bitch hidden within these walls. We get to the door of the basement when some fucking bastard opens it, gun raised. Lucky for me, he’s too fucking slow. I shoot first, and his body falls backwards down the stairs.

“Try not to get yourself fucking shot,” T curses from behind me.

“I’ll do my best. Come on.”

We get to the bottom of the stairs and my stomach heaves at the stench. At what I’m seeing. My little girl huddled up in a corner. Lola, my fucking sister who’s been missing since she was nine years old, shielding Izzy’s body with her own slim frame.

“Papa, you came. I knew you would. I told them you would come and get me.” Izzy jumps up and runs straight into my arms. Putting one of my guns into its holster, I hug her tight.

“Of course I came, Bel. I will always fucking find you.” I kiss her forehead.
