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She lifts her face and smiles. “I know.” Then she looks behind her. T is lifting Lola into his arms. “We have to help her. #36… those men hurt her bad,” Izzy whispers to me.

“#36?” I repeat, confused.

“The lady.” She points behind her. At Lola.

Fucking hell, the bastards stripped her of her identity. “We’re going to get you both out of here, okay. Just hold on to me. Don’t let go. Close your eyes, Bel,” I tell her, not wanting Izzy to see the carnage that’s upstairs.

“Okay. Thank you for finding me,” she whispers, burying her head into my shoulder.

“Always.” One arm around Izzy, the other with my gun raised, I look to T. “You good?” I ask him.

He has a sobbing, shivering Lola in his arms. “You can’t take me. You can’t. They’ll know. They’ll know and they’ll come for Helena. You can’t take me. Put me back. Just put me back,” she cries, struggling against his hold.

“I’m not fucking leaving you here, Lola. You’re coming home. No one is coming for Helena… I promise,” Theo tells her.

We walk up the stairs; it’s eerily quiet right now. I look back to T and he shrugs his shoulders. Continuing through the house, we’re about to walk past the living room when I stop dead in my tracks. I knew she wouldn’t go to the fucking car. Why couldn’t she go to the fucking car?

I tilt my head and stare at the guy currently holding my fucking angel captive against his body. “Renzo, you’ve been a hard man to track down.” I place Izzy on her feet, pushing her behind me.

“Drop it,” Renzo says. “You’re not taking these bitches anywhere.”

“Neo. Get her out of here,” Angelica says.

“Shut up.” Renzo pushes the gun into her temple.

“I will enjoy tearing you apart, Stephen. I will enjoy cutting your heart out and impaling it with my blade,” Angelica hisses at him.

Stephen? This is the fucker who got her knocked up? This fucking prick has been working for my family for the last eight years under a fucking alias. How the fuck did this get past my uncle?

“Isabella, come here,” the asshole says.

“I can assure you I’m not letting you get your grubby fucking hands on my daughter,” I say calmly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see T hand Lola off to one of our men, then he’s right beside me.

“You’ll come to me, Isabella, unless you want me to blow your mama’s head off,” he snarls. Izzy’s grip on my leg tightens. I can feel her little body shaking. I can also feel her hands reach up and remove the small gun from my side holster. I turn to take it off her, but she ducks and walks out in front of me with her tiny hands behind her back. T reaches for her, but thenour ratpoints his gun right at Izzy’s head. “Go and sit over there.” He gestures to the wall behind him. “Your choice,boss. You can leave with your brains intact or stay and let that pretty little wife of yours become a widow. For real this time,” Stephen… Renzo—whatever the fucker’s name is—snarls in T’s direction.

“You see, here’s the problem I have with that,” T says, tucking his gun into his holster as he rolls his sleeves up, all while never taking his eyes off Stephen. “You seem to think that you can actually get away with holding my sister at gunpoint and kidnapping my niece. I’ve killed many men for far lesser crimes. What do you really think I’m going to do to you, once I get my hands on you?”

“Not planning on letting that happen. You see, if you take even one step closer, I’ll blow her fucking head off.”

I look from Angelica to Izzy, who is sitting against the wall with a barrel aimed at the guy currently holding her mother hostage. Fuck. “Okay, this needs to end now. Let her fucking go. You know there’s no way out of this for you. You wanna be a man? Then come and fight me like a real fucking man. Let’s do this.” I holster my own weapon. I’m not afraid of this dipshit. As soon as he releases Angelica, I’ll have a bullet between his fucking eyes before he can even blink.

My dark angel looks at me, then shifts her head to Izzy. She smiles when she sees our little girl pointing a gun in her direction. Turning back to me, Angelica winks. “Remember a few weeks ago when I saved you, Neo? Now would be a great time to repay the favor.” Then, before I can fucking blink, she bends down and has Stephen flipped onto his back with his firing hand bent up towards his chin, his own muzzle pressed into his jawline. “You tried to take my daughter from me. That was your biggest mistake.” A shot rings out through the room. But it doesn’t come from Stephen’s gun.

No, it comes from the one Izzy is holding. “I’m sorry,” she says, dropping the weapon to the ground. “He was going to hurt Mama.”

I walk over and pick her up. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Bel. Okay? Nothing at all. Come on, let’s get out of here.” Angelica straightens her spine, looking down at the body twitching by her feet. He’s not dead… yet. I take her hand. “Let’s go. Angel.”

“I’m right behind you. Get her out of here, Neo.”

I want to argue with her. I want to stay until I have her walking out with me. I don’t though. T gives me a nod as I pass him. And before I get to the door, another shot echoes off the walls. T and Angelica catch up and she snatches Izzy from my arms, holding her tight.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” she asks our girl as I lead them down the front stairs of the house.

“I’m okay, Mama. Are you okay?”

“I am now that I have you.”

“Torch the place,” I instruct two of our men waiting by the door. We all pile into the car. Angelica keeps Izzy on her lap, not wanting to let her go. And I don’t fucking blame her.

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