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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Ihave her back. I thank every god I can think of that I have her back, and that she seems unharmed. I’ve yet to be able to really question her or have a doctor look her over. But right now all I care about is the fact that she’s in my arms.


“I’m never letting you go again,” I whisper into her hair. “I promise nothing like this will ever happen again. I’m going to get us out, Izzy. I promise.”

When we arrive back at Neo’s house, he doesn’t turn the car off. “T, I have a few errands to run. I need you to keep the news about my sister to yourself for now.”

My brother peers into the back seat. Lola is curled up near the door. She looks like she’s ready to make a run for it. I haven’t thanked her yet… thanked her for helping us. I don’t know how to repay her for that. All I know is that I will find a way.

“Angelica, you call me at the first sign of any trouble, understand?” Theo says. I nod, however, I have no idea what he’s talking about. “You’re family. And family always comes first. Don’t forget that.” Neo and Theo share a look before my brother gets out and walks into the house. Neo puts the car into reverse and turns us around, heading in the opposite direction.

“What are you doing?” I ask from my spot in the back seat.

Looking up into the rearview mirror, I watch as his eyes lock on mine. “Keeping my promise to you, Angel.”

I don’t ask the million questions I have swimming around in my head. I trust him. I trust him one hundred percent. As much as I want to demand to know where he’s taking us, I don’t. Izzy is asleep on my lap, and Lola is staring out the window. I don’t want to cause a scene, so I stay quiet as Neo guides us away from the city. Away from his home.

An hour later, we pull into an airstrip. Neo drives right up to the private jet that’s waiting with the stairs down, and jumps out of the car. Transitioning Izzy from my lap to the seat, I exit and shut the door. I don’t want either of the girls to hear our conversation.

“Neo, what’s going on?” I ask him when he approaches the passenger side.

“We’re leaving. I’m getting you and Izzy out of this city and away from… allthis. We’re going to start a new life. I told you that if you still wanted to leave, I’d take you away.”

“Where are we going?”

“I bought an island just off the coast of Australia. We’re having a short stopover in Singapore to refuel, then we’ll continue on to the island.”

“You bought an island? That’s insane. They’ll find us, Neo.”

“They won’t even look, Angel. Trust me.”

“I think I might love you.” I wrap my arms around him, fusing my lips to his.

“I know that I fucking love you. Come on, let’s get our girl out of here,” he says.

“Neo, what about your family? I can’t ask you to leave them.”

“You and Izzy are my family, Angel. You’re not asking me to do anything.”

“What about Lola?”

His eyes drop to the car. “I’ve failed her for so many years. I have to try to help her rebuild her life. I have to help her heal. Recover. I don’t know how. I just know I have to get her away.”

“She’s going to need a lot of professional guidance. What she’s probably been through… neither of us can imagine.”

“I know. I’ve already got the best psychiatrist money can buy waiting for us on the island.”

Opening the door, I reach in and grab Izzy. She really is getting too big for me to carry around like this, but I can’t seem to let her go. Neo then takes a very silent and withdrawn Lola. I follow him up the stairs, and place Izzy down in one of the chairs towards the back.

“Mama, where are we going? Back to Italy?” she asks, looking around the plane.

“No, Izzy, Neo has a surprise for us. Go to sleep. It’s going to be a long flight.”

“Okay. Can Papa sit with me?”

“I’m sure he would love that. Let’s wait for him to settle Lola first, sì?”
