Page 103 of There Is No Love

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She sighed and walked over to the side of the bed. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to sit beside me. “I need to tell you something you’re not going to want to hear, but I can’t let you leave without telling you.” I reached up, resting my hand on her cheek. “Alora, I love,"

“Don’t,” She stood up and took a step back, “don't you say that to me.” She stepped towards the door. “Dammit Luka, don't you let anyone ever hear you say that do you understand me?”

“I needed you to know. Now go find Elena and get her out, but please be smart and come back to me.”

“I am never going to be what you need; don't you understand that?” Her hand gripped the doorknob as she shook her head.

“I don’t need you to be anything but who you are.”

She stopped and looked at me for a moment, shaking her head. “Keep that shit to yourself, don’t tell anyone what you just said.”

I chuckled, “it will be our little secret.”

She rolled her eyes and walked out.

Mom walked in and sat in the chair beside me, with a smile. “I heard you two.”

“Oh yeah?”

“She is going to need you now more than ever you know?”

“What if she never lets me in? What if she just keeps pushing me away at every turn, keeps walking away from me?”

“Then you keep fighting for her. When she takes two steps back, you take three forward. When she tries to push you away, give her the space she needs, but reassure her you’re still there if she needs you.”

“What if she’s too broken, her heart is too shattered? What if she is incapable of loving someone?”

Mom smiled and stood up sitting on the bed next to me. She reached up resting her hand on top of mine. “I’ve seen the way she is with Nick, with Arturo, and me. She is very capable of it. And I’ve seen how fond your brother is of her too. A woman who can bring out that side of your brother.” She raised her eyebrows. “Alora has more love to give than she knows what to do with.”

“Then why doesn't she love me?”

“Oh honey,” she grabbed my hand, “she does. She’s just scared to admit it to herself. Because loving you means taking the biggest risk of all. Loving you means unlocking a piece of her heart she swore she would never give anyone. Loving you means letting go, and she has been holding on tight since she was a little girl.”
