Page 117 of There Is No Love

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Vigo held his hand up. “Gianni, you have been quiet during all of this. What do you think?”

Gianni sat forward, a smile on his face as he rested his elbows on the table. “Honestly, I agree. He looked at me then Luka. “I think a Volante should lead as well.”

I turned to look at Luka. He turned away looking at Arturo who nodded. Arturo pulled out his phone, and a few seconds later the door opened. Marco and Nick walked in. Nick gave me a wink as he hopped along on his crutches. They walked over and stood next to Arturo.

“What is the meaning of this?” Vigo said. “Marco, have you come to contest for the seat?”

“No, that is not why he is here. Gianni,” Luka stood up, “the truth is, I couldn't agree with you more.” He turned to me. Reaching down and grabbing my wrist, “Wife.” He pulled me to stand. “I have never bowed to any man. Rossi men, don't bow, made men don’t bow. But for you Alora Volante Rossi,” he dropped to one knee looking up at me, “I would kneel for eternity my queen. I propose Alora Volante be named head of the Volante Family and take her rightful seat at this table.”

I looked down at him in shock. I glanced over as Arturo, Marco and Nick dropped to one knee. Chaos erupted. Men jumped to their feet, yelling, cursing. “A woman can't lead.” “This is a disgrace.”

“Silence!” Vigo slammed his fist to the table. “Everyone Sit!”

They all stood up, Arturo and Marco helping Nick back to a standing position. I was in shock. I just stood there staring at Luka as he leaned in and kissed my cheek before pulling me back down into my seat.

Vigo turned to us. “Bold move Luka.” He looked across the table. “Let's put it to a vote. What do you say?”

I watched the men at the table pick up the two-sided wooden paddles. Luka had told me that when held up the white side was a vote for yes, the black for no. Vigo turned to the first seat. Michele held up the black side. He continued around the table. Aldo held up black, Angelo gave me a nod then held up white. Gianni smiled and held up white. Paolo held up black, Davide held up black, Giuseppe held up white, Rocco held up white, Fabrizio held up black glaring at me like he wanted to kill me, and Antonio held up white. A tie. Vigo nodded. “We have a tie, and in the event of a tie, I become the tie breaker.” He looked down at me, his face hard. He picked up his wood paddle, white side up, black side down. He was voting no. A vote no would mean the seat was up for grabs, and anyone could challenge to take it. His arm continued up, at the last minute he gave me a quick smirk, flipping his paddle around to the white side. “Alora Rossi, leader of the Volante family, eleventh member of The Consortium, equal to all who sit at this table.”

I glanced around the table in complete shock at what had just happened. Some men looked like they wanted to kill me. Others looked pleased with the turn of events.

“This meeting is adjourned.” Vigo walked over and grabbed my hand. I stood and looked at him, he smiled. He leaned in whispering. “This will put a target on your back. Stay vigilant. We’ll talk soon.” He kissed my cheek and then turned walking through the door in the back of the room.

“Let’s get her out of here.” Arturo walked up, grabbing my left arm.

Luka grabbed my right, and Marco and Nick flanked us from behind. They rushed me to the door and the elevator. “What the hell just happened?” I looked at Luka.

“Not here.” Luka looked down at me.

They kept their hold on me making our way out and to the SUV. Five of Gabrieles' men stood out front, surrounding it. They looked up at us. Marco gave them a nod. And they nodded back. They pushed me into the SUV and took off.

“Okay, explain!” I looked around at the four men seated around me.

Luka looked at me and smiled. “You should be running the Family, it is your rightful spot, and like I said. I will be by your side.”

“Where are we going now?”

“We’re heading back to Bellissindale to wrap things up there. Let things cool down here, then we’ll be back. And you’ll take over.”

“Gianni, was he in on this? Was this all of your plan?” The four most important men in my life looked at me and all nodded.


The elevator opened. “Someone’s cooking.” I sniffed the air.

“Elena wanted to have dinner ready when we got back.” Marco smiled. “I think she was worried the outcome would be bad.”

We made our way into the kitchen. Elena and Gia were standing at the stove laughing.

“What’s so funny ladies?” Luka asked.

They turned around. Elena looked at me, eyes wide. “What happened?”

“You are looking at the new boss of The Volante family.” Luka put his arm around my shoulders. Kissing my temple.

“Yes!” Elena ran over, pulling me into a hug. “First female in The Consortium.” Gia leaned against the counter giving me a big smile. “This is a big deal, Alora!”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Don’t remind me. Half the men at that table looked like they were ready to murder me.”
