Page 121 of There Is No Love

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“I got it a year ago. I was walking down the street, passed a tattoo parlor, and decided to just do it. I told the tattoo artist I wanted a daggered heart and a black dahlia, this is what he drew.”

He traced his fingers across the skeletal rib cage surrounded by black dahlias then the daggered heart bleeding inside the chest. “I like it. It fits you.”

“Yeah, murder, betrayal, sadness?”

He chuckled and leaned down kissing my tattoo. “The black dahlia also symbolizes a commitment and eternal bond between two people.” He looked into my eyes, in the way only he seemed to be able to. With one look he somehow reached into the depths of my heart bringing it to life.

I nodded, putting my hand on his chest, and resting my chin. I took a deep breath. “Did you mean all of it?”


“That you love me. That we would burn it down together?”

He smiled, running his fingers through my hair. “Yes. My heart is yours.” “There are things I haven't told you, haven't told anyone. What if you don't look at me the same when you find out all my secrets? What if I break your heart? What if this world, what if they drag us apart?”

“They can try. I will fight whoever it takes. Stefano, Vigo I don't care. My heart is yours do with it what you will.” He kissed the top of my forehead. “Let me get something to clean you up.” He stood up and made his way to the bathroom and came back with a washcloth. He wiped me clean, kissed my lips, and made his way back to the bathroom to put it away. He stopped at my vanity and picked up the dog collar and handkerchief, turning to look at me. “This was his Max’s?” He walked back over and sat on the edge of the bed.

I nodded and took it from him, running my thumb across the words imprinted on the tag. “Yes, I kept it and the bloody handkerchief as a reminder that I would someday kill him.”

“And now? Are you going to keep it still?”

I nodded and smiled at the collar. “It reminds me of him.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “What do you say we get rid of the bloody handkerchief though? Come with me.”

We quickly dressed. I followed Luka out of the house and towards the woods. “Where are we going?”

“Just a little bit further.” He grabbed my hand. “Here this is good. He pulled out some Zippo fluid from his back pocket and laid the handkerchief on the ground. He doused it with the fluid and then started walking backward in a circular motion, spraying the fluid along the ground. He looked at me and smiled then bent down and lit the ground walking behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me tight to his body as I watched fire crawl across the ground furiously fast and ignite the handkerchief. He leaned in, pressing his lips to the back of my ear. “Alora, I know you don't need a man to protect you. You are completely capable of protecting yourself. But every fiber of my being wants nothing more than to protect you from harm.”

I took a deep breath, leaning back into him. I rolled my face to him, pressing my forehead against his cheek. I turned in his arms, looking up at him as his grip tightened, pulling me into him. I felt safe, protected, and loved. Something I was slowly getting used to. This crazy man pushed his way into my life and wouldn't take no for an answer. “You know you're crazy? Anyone who could love someone like me has to be crazy.”

“Loving you makes me feel crazy sometimes,” he laughed, pressing his lips to mine, “but your kind of crazy makes me feel sane.”

“Don’t give up on me. You promise?”

“Not a chance in hell Vixen.” He rested his hand on the side of my face, running his thumb across my cheek.

“Then I am ready to share my biggest secret with you.”

He looked at me with so much love and care. “No secret, nothing you could ever say would stop my heart from beating for you.”

“I know who Wrath is. I’ve known this whole time, and I’ve been terrified to tell you.” I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

“You don't have to worry about that. I want to be with you always. You can tell me; I still want to be your husband even when we turn Wrath over to Vigo.”

I pushed away from him, clenching my jaw, mad at myself for crying. “You don't understand, we can't turn Wrath over to Vigo.” I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

“Okay, calm down.” He grabbed my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. “Just tell me whoever it is, if we need to protect her for whatever reason then we will. I am by your side no matter what.”

I closed my eyes, resting my hands on top of his. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and looked up at him. “It’s me. I am Wrath.”
