Page 123 of There Is No Love

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“Yes. You’re my wife. Unless you are completely in the wrong, I am always on your side. You’re not wrong here.”

I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding onto. “Well then let's do this.”

We climbed into the car Arturo had dropped off for us and made our way through the city. It still blew my mind how this city was surrounded by such beauty. If you never ventured outside of it, you'd have no idea. After the short drive, we pulled up to the building and made our way into the elevator. My mind wouldn't stop playing possible scenarios in my head, my heart was racing. I looked up while watching the numbers as we reached the top floor. The elevator doors opened, and Max took off running in and barking, probably looking for Gia.

We set our bags down, and I heard Max whimper as Arturo walked down the hallway holding him. “I think he was disappointed to find me instead of Gia. She will be here soon; she hasn't shut up about how excited she is to see you guys. Here take this.” He handed Max to me and shook his head. He leaned in and gave me a side hug. “How was your flight?”

“Good,” I replied, running my hands in Max’s fir again.

He and Luka hugged. “Mom said she should be able to sneak away tomorrow and come over, she wants to take us to dinner.”

“Of course, she does.” Luka laughed. “We figured as much and packed accordingly.”

Arturo looked at me, then looked at Luka. “What is with you two? You’re acting weird.”

Luka looked at me and smiled. “Alora just.”

“Needs a shower,” I interrupted, “I want to freshen up after our flight.”

Arturo looked at me, then Luka again. “Well, Gia said she’d bring dinner. Luka and I can catch up on Wrath info, while you freshen up.”

“No,” I yelled way louder than I had intended to. I swallowed, “I mean, I need Luka’s help with something, then we can all catch up together. That way you don't have to repeat yourself twice, right? That makes sense, right?”

Arturo crossed his arms to his chest and shook his head. “Alright what the hell is going on?”

“Just tell him, no sense in beating around the bush anymore.” Luka put his arm around me.

I set Max down and nodded. “Fine, let's sit.” I walked over and sat on the couch, Luka sat next to me, and Arturo stood there staring at us.

“Do I need a drink for this? What the hell has you so shaken up? Did you find out something about Charlie?”

I stood up. “No, of course not. If I, if we, knew anything about Charlie we would have called you immediately.”

“Okay, then why are you acting like this?”

“Please just sit.”

He looked at Luka who nodded and then sighed sitting in the chair. “What is it?”

I sat down, resting my hand on my lap. “I didn’t know what I was doing would have the ripple effect it did. I didn't know you guys; I didn't know about Charlie and me.” I took a deep breath and looked at Luka. This was infuriating, this isn't who I was. I didn’t care how my actions affected men like this. But I did. When it came to Luka, Arturo, Nick, and my dad I cared way more than I cared to admit. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Arturo any further, I didn't want to see the vacancy in his eyes directed at me that I saw when I knew he was thinking about Charlie. I didn't want to be the cause of further pain for him.

“It can’t be that bad, can it?” I looked at him as he stared back at me. “Shit Alora, just come out with it already. You’re not acting like yourself.”

I took a deep breath, and straightened up, holding my head high while I looked him right in the eye. “It’s me. I am Wrath.”

His eyes went wide, and his jaw tensed. He looked between the two of us, and I could see he was taking the information in. He turned to Luka. “Is this true?” Luka nodded. Arturo shook his head, and then stood up. He started pacing the room, his hands lifted, and he rubbed the front of his face. “Are you fucking kidding me Alora?”

“I’m sorry, I.” My voice cracked and then the intercom beeped.

Arturo walked over. “What?”

“Gia is here sir.” One of his men spoke.

“Send her up.” Arturo let go of the button and turned to me, pointing his finger at me and then Luka. “Not a word of this to Gia. Do you both understand me?”

“Arturo,” Luka stood up.

“Not a damn word!” He yelled. “We still have no idea how involved her family is.”
