Page 17 of There Is No Love

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Weapproachedthebuilding, stopping at a desk where an older man asked us to turn over our weapons. I was shocked to see dad, Nick, and Marco just handing them over.

“And you miss?” the older gentleman asked me.

I knew they wouldn't believe I didn't have anything, so I pulled the small .32 pistol from the concealment pocket in my clutch and handed it to him. He smiled and nodded. I followed dad into the elevator. Nick and Marco joined some other guards who were standing near the door while we entered. I scanned the room, the leaders of all the families around the table. It was the first time I had seen many of them in person. I noticed two men standing against the wall. They were both tall, the one on the right just an inch, maybe two taller. Both had dark brown hair, and eyes. The guy on the left was darker. The shorter one stared at me as I walked forward. I turned my attention to Vigo, who greeted me then took a seat, listening to him.

I looked up at Vigo. Surely, I had heard him wrong. He said I was going to Marry Luka Rossi? I turned and looked at the two men across from me leaning against the wall. Luka must be the shorter one, judging by the scowl on his face and the white of his fisted knuckles. Once again, I am just a pawn in their stupid game. I stood up next to Vigo, nothing he said registering as rage filled my veins. I didn't need a man to run things, I could run them on my own. One more slap in the face from my father disappointed his only heir is a woman.

“Stefano,” I heard Vigo say, breaking me out of my trance. “One of your men can chaperone as well.” Dad nodded.

I watched as Mrs. Rossi took the arm of her other son. I looked at Luka, the man who was being forced to be my husband. I dropped his hand, walking to the door. Nick looked at me as he saw me walk out with three-fourths of the enemy family. He raised his eyebrows, giving me a half smile. I shook my head. “Nick, come with us, apparently you will be chaperoning a dinner between me and my future husband,” I said through gritted teeth. He nodded and stood beside me, the five of us loading onto the elevator.

We rode down in silence, the air heavy. I glanced at Luka. His knuckles were still white as he stared straight forward. I watched his mother reach over and grab his hand. He looked down at her, as he squeezed her hand in his. He glanced at me, his face going hard again. I rolled my eyes and let out a long sigh. “Believe me, no one is more unhappy about this than I am.”

He looked at me and smiled, shaking his head. “I doubt that very much.” He looked me up and down. A squeak left Mrs. Rossi’s mouth as a tear rolled down her cheek. He bent down in front of her, looking into her eyes. “Mom it will be okay, don’t cry. Don't you dare give the Volante’s the satisfaction.” I watched her take a deep breath, and nod.

The elevator door opened and we made our way out, walking to the restaurant. It was pretty fancy. Tables covered with red linens and full table settings. A young man looked at us, giving us a nod as if he knew we were coming, “Right this way.” We followed him towards the back of the restaurant. A row of tables against a huge glass window that looked over the harbor, the city in the background. “Mrs. Volante.” He bent his head pulling out a chair for me. I sat down and looked across the water at my city. I had never seen it from this view before, it was beautiful. “And Mr. Rossi.” He looked at Luka, gesturing to the other chair. He took the seat across from me. “The rest of you will be right over here. Mr. Vigo requested that you be close, but far enough away that they could have some privacy.”

Nick leaned over, whispering in my ear, as he stared at Luka. “I will be right there if you need anything.” He lingered for a moment, him and Luka having a staring contest.

I rolled my eyes. “Men and their pissing contests. Nick, I will be fine.” Nick nodded, kissed the top of my head, and walked over to the table four spots away.

Luka watched as Nick walked away, then turned back to me. “He seems to be a little too close to you for a guard. Are you sleeping with him?”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “It is none of your business.” “Does daddy know you're sleeping with one of his men?”

“First of all, my father doesn’t need to know everything, second Nick is my cousin. And third, I don’t need to get to know you.”

He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossing to his chest, staring at me. “And why is that?”

“Because this isn't a real marriage.” I would admit he was good-looking. Looked like maybe he hadn’t shaved in a few days, not a full beard, but his jawline was sharp, strong. His eyes were dark, very dark, matching the black bruise covering his left eye. His dark brown hair was short but wavy on top. I glanced down at his hand, still crossed to his chest. Knuckles bruised, dried blood all over them

“I hate this as much as you, probably more. I am the one giving up everything and my life.” He shook his head. “Fucking Stefano.”

I watched as his chest rose and fell, his jaw tightening, the white shirt underneath his jacket pulled against his chest. I wondered what he looked like under that shirt. “You call your dad Stefano?”

“He lost the privilege of being called father a long time ago.”

A waiter came and took our orders.

“My father would not let me slide by calling him, Gabriele. Things must be pretty slack in Bellissindale.”

“Or maybe I’m not some soft daddy’s girl who just rolls over and does whatever daddy tells her to, princess,” he leaned forward, resting his hands on the table.

“Let's get two things straight. You will not call me princess, or kitten, or mouse or any other stupid name men come up with to make them feel more powerful over women.” I slid my hand to my thigh pulling my knife out. I quickly leaned forward, slung my hand up, slamming the knife into the table between his pointer and middle finger. “And I am not a daddy's girl.”

Luka’s brother and Nick both stood up. Luka held up his hand, looked at me, and smiled. “We’re alright everything's fine. We are just,” he cocked his head to the side, “getting acquainted. You can both sit back down.”

I looked at Nick and nodded, pulling the knife away and tucked it back in my garter. He sat back down. The two of us stared at one another, him sizing me up just as I was him. He laughed and leaned forward. “We got off on the wrong foot, let’s start over.” He held his hand out to me. “I am Luka Rossi. Your future husband.”

I rolled my eyes, reaching out and taking his hand. “Alora Volante.”

“Well so far, I know two things about you. You keep a knife under your dress, and you roll your eyes a lot.”

“I know a few things about you as well Mr. Rossi.”

“Oh yeah? Lay it on me.”
