Page 28 of There Is No Love

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“That is complete bullshit, and you know it” I spat.

He slammed his fist into his desk. “Silence Alora. You will learn your place or else.”

A chuckle left Luka’s lips. He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. That black thing coming out of his pocket again, he twirled it around the fingers on his left hand. I now realized it was a metal lighter. Did he do this when he was nervous? “The last place I wanted to be was living under the roof of the Volante outfit. But you and Stefano agreed to this arranged marriage forcing us into it. So, I will play this game as you call it, play my part. But let's get a couple of things straight,” He stood up. “One, you call me a sporco Rossi again, I’ll punch you in the face. Two,” he looked down at me, grabbing under my chin. Pulling my face forward showing my bruise. “You lay another hand on my wife, I’ll slit your fucking throat in your sleep, and laugh while you bleed out on your pillow.”

Dad looked up at Luka, shocked. “What the hell did you just say to me in my own house boy?”

“You heard me,” Luka clicked his lighter shut, and put it back in his pocket before reaching his hand down to me. “I would like to take that tour now.”

I looked at dad, his fists clenched on his desk, his nostrils flaring. No one stood up to Gabriele Volante except for Vigo and Stefano. Everyone was scared of him, all of our men were scared of him. Even Marco was scared of him. I had heard the rumors of how he got joy from torturing men to get information out of them. Most Don’s had their men do the torturing, they didn't like to get their hands dirty. But not my dad, he enjoyed it. Almost as if he got off on it. Nick had told me the first time he had been involved when they needed information from someone. I’ll never forget the look on his face as he shuttered, telling me he always found dad scary and unnerving. But after that day, he scared the hell out of him. I was sixteen and I still remember the fear in Nick’s eyes when he turned to me and said, “do you know what they call your dad?” I shook my head. He ran his hand down the front of his face, “Gabriele Diavolo Volante.”

“What does ‘Diavolo’ mean,” I had asked.


I reached for Luka’s hand nodding. No one ever stood up for me, especially not with dad. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to standing, putting my arm behind his, leading me to the door. Dad said nothing as we walked out of the office and into the hallway. “You know you just provoked the devil? In his own house. Most people are scared of Gabriele ‘Diavolo’ Volante.”

He stopped and spun me to face him, looking me right in the eyes. “I’m not.”

And I could tell he wasn’t. Who was this man that had waltzed his way into hell, challenging the devil himself? And yet he stood there in front of me, completely calm, fearless.

“You okay?” He asked me.

“I,” I shook my head, pulling my arm from his, “yeah, this way. Let’s start the tour.”

I showed him around the house first. The armory, the library, the ballroom, the kitchen, and everything in between, introducing him to some of the staff. I pointed out the staff house as we made our way towards the range. Finally, we ended up at the training gym. Nick looked up as we walked in, coming over to join us. “I was told I am supposed to show Luka around.”

I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Yeah, because a woman like me can’t show him everything you know?”

“Well, there are things you don’t know yet,” Nick offered, “places you’re not allowed to go.”

I shook my head. “I am well aware of that captain obvious; this is a man's world.”

“Is she always so charming?” Luka asked.

“Pretty much,” Nick replied.

I sighed. “I need to punch something. I am going to change and get some training in.”

“I still have to get another hour in, I have a change of clothes if you want to work in with us.” I heard Nick tell Luka as I walked off.

“Sure,” Luka replied.

I walked into the locker room and over to my locker. Pulling out my spare set of workout clothes. I unbuttoned my shirt, setting it down on the bench when I felt hands around my waist. I gasped and spun around. “Michael, what the hell are you doing in here? Did anyone see you?”

“No one saw me, and I thought we could get a quick workout in before your workout.”

I shoved him in the chest. “I told you, we can't do this anymore. Get the hell out of here.”

“I thought you said you hated him. That it was just a fake marriage.”

“I did, and it is, but I hate you too and that never stopped me from sleeping with you.”

“So, you slept with him then?”

“Maybe. That’s none of your business, but I am telling you this stops now. Getting caught before was risky enough, getting caught now would be worse.”

My body was pushed into the lockers, his body pressed up against mine. “I had you first, and I will have you again. This isn't over.” He slammed the lockers, stepped away, and left.

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