Page 34 of There Is No Love

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The waitress brought out drinks.

He picked up his glass, took a drink, then looked between the two of us. “The truth is things are getting messy in the families and we need something to unite us. This Wrath guy's killings have slowed down, but he killed another today, right here in Alberoville.”

Luka shook his head. “Who do you think is behind these killings?”

“We don’t know, but most of them are happening here. A few have been in other cities, but we can’t figure out any rhyme or reason for it. Seems like someone is making moves and might be going for full take over.”

“Full takeover,” Luka asked? “Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know.” Vigo took another drink. “Things aren't being run in a way that I agree with,” he shook his head, “some of the families have gotten involved in things we never would have in my day. That is why I wanted to bring you two together. This next generation, we need you guys to fix things, to bring peace back to the families.”

“With all due respect,” Luka shook his head, “I think that ship has sailed.”

“With you and Alora running the Volante outfit, there will be peace between the Rossi and Volante families. That will have a ripple effect.”

I laughed. “You don’t think my dad will ever let Luka run the family, do you?”

The waitress brought the food over. Huge plates of spaghetti, fettuccine, tortellini, and garlic bread.

“Let us eat,” Vigo smiled, “while it's fresh and hot.”

We filled our plates and dug in, the silence between us. Luka put his napkin on the table. “Alora is right, Gabriele will never let me take over.”

Vigo looked at us. “Time will tell, but I want you two to work on finding out who this Wrath guy is.”

Luka and I looked at each other. “Us?,” I asked.

Vigo nodded.

“We barely know each other, and” I shook my head.

“And you have the resources of the two most powerful families in the business at your disposal,” Vigo leaned forward resting his arms on the table. “Look. I know neither of you wanted this marriage. But it was a means to an end. Find out who Wrath is and bring your findings to me. We will deal with him our way. Find out what his motives are, and what his endgame is. If you can do that, you can go your separate ways if that is what you want.”

I looked at Luka, he looked back at me. “You will let us get a divorce,” he looked at Vigo, “once we find Wrath? I thought the families were against divorce.”

“We are, but if you do this for us, we will make an exception. But” he held up his finger, “while the two of you are married, you have to play the part. You have to, at least when you are in public, around your families and men, pretend to be the happily married couple. You need to convince people that you are in love, so they don't suspect foul play. Wrath is someone on the inside, he has to be. It is the only way he can know what he knows and take out who he is taking out when he does. You will both become more involved in the business going forward. I have already talked with both of your fathers. They are on board with both of you taking a more active role. But they do not know about our side deal. Convince them too.”

I looked at Luka, he looked at me and nodded. He turned to Vigo. “We will find him.”

Vigo smiled. “Good, good. I have another meeting to get to, so I have to say goodbye.” He scooted out and stood up.

“Vigo, one question. Why can’t our fathers know about our side deal?”

“I am not sure that they are not involved.”

Luka and I scooted out with him. “Luka,” he shook his hand. “Alora,” He bent down, kissing me on the forehead. He grabbed us both on the shoulders. “Convince them.” We nodded and he walked off. “Well,” Luka offered me his arm, “shall we, my love?”

I sighed and put my arm through his. “Yes, dear,” I replied mockingly.

He leaned in and whispered into my ear. “You are going to have to work on your acting skills.”

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