Page 41 of There Is No Love

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“Deal.” He held out his hand.

I laughed while shaking it. He had no idea he was about to let every man in our outfit see him naked.

“You are very confident in your abilities, even though you've barely seen me shoot.”

“And you are underestimating me, just like you did yesterday.”

He leaned in, his lips to my ears again. “Who was pinned to the wall last night? Oh, right that was you. Can’t wait to taste those lips.” He walked away, joining Nick and Franco.

I watched as he said something to Nick, who laughed and shook his head. I turned and focused, ready to make the closest shots I could. We lined up, Michael first, followed by Bade, and then me. The buzzer went off and we took off running, Michael got to the first spot, we crouched down, and he popped up and took his shot crouching back down. Bade tapped his shoulder twice and they switched places, the three of us running to the next station. Bade took three shots and turned to me with a nod. I took the lead, running to spot three and taking five shots.

“Very good,” Carlo nodded as we walked back to the line, “efficient, fast, and pretty accurate. Clear targets, Dario you guys are next.”

We sat there and watched as the next two teams went, finally it was Luka’s team's turn. I watched as they took off on the buzzer, moving quickly. I hated to admit it, but I was impressed. They moved like a team that had been working together for a while, not a team that was thrown together today. Sure, Nick and Franco had worked together a lot, but not Luka. He was focused, determined, and accurate. And dammit if I didn't find it incredibly sexy. He could switch from joker to all business without a second thought.

They finished and Carlo’s eyes went wide. He shook his head and laughed. “That's a new record. That's all for today. Good job guys”

Luka turned to me, a cocky grin on his face, as he stalked towards me. The last thing I wanted to do was kiss him. I spun around making my way back to the table. I set my guns down, and un-strapped my carrier, setting it down beside my weapons. Luka walked up beside me, setting down his guns, and pulling his plate carrier off. “I’m ready to collect.” He whispered, grabbing my waist, turning me to face him. He looked down at me, then pulled my body to his. His lips crashed on mine. I kept my jaw tight, not moving, not giving him anything. If he wanted to give them a show, too bad.

Suddenly he lifted me off the ground, my body pressed against him. Feet dangling, he held me tight, as if I was weightless. His tongue rolled across my bottom lip. My arms involuntarily wrapped around his neck, lips parting slightly, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I rolled my tongue across his, pressing into him. I felt out of control like someone had taken over my body, someone else calling the shots. His head cocked to the side, tongue pressing deeper into my mouth. One of his hands came to the back of my head. My body became hot, a soft moan escaped my lips. He pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently and pulling away until it popped from his teeth. He looked at me, as I stared back at him. Panting, out of breath, body on fire. I couldn't stand the smug look he had on his face, thinking he had won, thinking he had the upper hand. I reached up and slapped him in the face.

He sat me down. “What the hell?”

“Don’t do that again in front of the men!” I swallowed and shook my head, walking away. “Nick, make sure my stuff gets back to my room.”

“Come on cupcake,” Luka hollered at me, “don’t be like that. I couldn't resist those sexy lips.”

I turned around rolling my eyes, the guys all laughing. I sighed and turned back, making my way back to the house.

“Uh oh!” I heard someone say. “Trouble in paradise?” Another man's voice.

“You’re all a bunch of assholes!” I held both hands up in the air, flipping them off as I retreated to the house. All of them burst into laughter again. I got halfway back to the house and turned to make sure no one had followed me. I ran the tip of my pointer finger across my bottom lip, swollen from his bite. I sucked my bottom lip in, running my tongue across it. How the hell was I going to do this? Even though I couldn’t stand him, there was no denying the tension building between us. It was this fake marriage, and my detest for him, nothing more. Soon I would be able to get rid of him and get back to my plan. He was just another obstacle in my way to taking out the monsters in my life, the quicker I could rid myself of him, the better. I laughed to myself, I would have to get some help if I was going to pull this off.

I got to the house and pulled the burner phone out of the back of the drawer, I felt the dog collar and took it out too. I looked down and shook my head, fighting the tears welling up in my eyes. I turned on the phone, typing in the number. ‘Things have changed. We need to meet. A.’ I sent a quick text, pacing. My thumb ran back and forth across the collar. The phone dinged. ‘I saw that, congratulations on the nuptials. The ferry pier, 8 pm. Come alone. Trash the phone.’ I took a deep breath, texting back. ‘Ok.’

I threw the phone down to the ground and stomped it with my foot. I picked up the pieces, grabbed a scarf from my drawer, and wrapped it up. I shoved it into my purse, walked into the bathroom, and started the shower. I stepped in, letting out a long sigh as the hot water fell over my head and down my back. We needed to figure this out quickly, so he could leave and be out of my way. He could ruin my plans to take over, he could ruin everything.
