Page 42 of There Is No Love

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Ilaughedasshe walked away, both hands up in the air flipping the bird.

“You better be careful,” Nick said from beside me, shaking his head.

“Careful of what?”

He laughed. “I have heard the rumors about you. How you like the ladies, and they like you. But Alora isn’t like those girls.”

“You don’t have to tell me. It is painfully obvious she is nothing like those girls. She has done nothing but give me a hard time since I got here. I think I am man enough to handle her.” I watched as she continued to walk away, a smile creeping onto my lips.

“Alora is all drive, she is not someone I would want to be on their bad side. She is my cousin, and I would do anything, give my life for her, but she is not an easy person to get close to. Also, for the record, I’d take the life of anyone that hurts her. But the truth is, she doesn't need me or anyone to come to her rescue. She is full of vengeance, hate, and fire. And you know what the problem is when you play with fire?” He looked at me, eyebrows raised, “You end up getting burnt.” He patted my shoulder and turned to walk off.

I watched her, walking away. I laughed and looked down, rolling my sleeve up, looking at the burn scars on my arm. “The thing is Nick, I have always loved to play with fire, and I’ve been burned before.” He laughed, shook his head, and continued cleaning up the table. She wouldn't admit it, but something sparked between us when we kissed. Sexual tension or something else I wasn’t sure. But I intended to find out.

After helping Nick and the others get everything cleaned up, I headed back to the house, guns in hand. I made my way up to the bedroom and into the closet, pushed her clothes to the side, and laid the guns down. I turned to see her walk in, wearing nothing but a towel around her body and one on top of her head. She hadn’t noticed I was there and started to pull the towel away from her. Part of me wanted to stop, to watch her and keep the fact I was there to myself. But sound judgment prevailed. I cleared my throat.

She gasped and gripped tight to the towel. “What the hell are you doing?”

I walked towards her. “Bringing your guns back and coming to get cleaned up myself. This is my room too, at least while we remain married, cupcake.”

“Stop calling me cupcake!”

I pulled my shirt up over my head, “And what shall I call you instead?”

“Oh, I don't know, Alora maybe.”

“But then I won't get to see those lips purse or your pretty face glare at me. I rather like getting under your skin.” I threw my shirt in the hamper. “I am going to go take a shower.”

She chased after me. “You are not getting to me in any way.” I looked at her and laughed, leaning against the door. “Is that so?” She nodded. “Keep telling yourself that cupcake, deny it all you want. But my thigh in between your legs, and my lips on yours tell me otherwise. You want me, and you know it.”

She rolled her eyes, arms crossed to her chest. “I know you think every woman wants you, but I have news for you. I don’t.”

I pushed off the wall, standing in front of her, looking down at her. She held her ground, staring up at me, challenging me. “You don’t want me to lean in and kiss you right now?”

Her lips parted slightly, inhaling a breath. “No.” I watched her swallow, she was lying. To herself or me, I wasn't sure. But she wanted it.

I leaned in, our lips almost touching, staring her straight in the eyes. “You’re lying.” I pushed in further, barely touching her lips. I ran my lips across her cheek, up to her ear. “But you will have to take it if you want it. I will not give it to you.” I pulled away, walked to the bathroom, and closed the door behind me.

I quickly showered and walked to the closet, changing into a black suit. She was sitting at her vanity, trying to cover the bruise on her face. Fire filled me again as I watched her teeth grit, the sponge in her hand pressing to her bruise. The edges had now gone brown, and it looked more painful. “Does it hurt worse?”

She shook her head. “No, it hurts less but looks worse. Will you please stop acting like you give a shit about me? You’re not that great of an actor.”

“It's not an act.” I grabbed the back of her chair and bent down. “I care about any woman being hit by the man who is supposed to protect her from men like himself. I meant what I said, if he does it again, I will kill him.”

Her eyes met mine in the mirror's reflection. She stared at me for a moment, studying me, as if she was trying to read my mind. Decide if what I was saying was true. She closed her eyes. “I believe you, but don’t pretend that it’s because you care about me. It’s because you have some self-sacrificing need to protect women. It has nothing to do with me.”

I pushed away from the chair. “Sure, you're right. Let’s get to work, so we can be rid of each other for good.”

“Sounds good to me.” She finished her makeup and stood up grabbing her purse. “Let’s talk to Marco, he can bring us up to speed on everything he knows about Wrath. Then I made dinner reservations for us.”

“Wait! Are you taking me out on a date?” I looked at her and smiled.

“No, it’s work. We are meeting someone with information.”

“Oh good, worried you were catching feelings for me.”

“I am not.”
