Page 43 of There Is No Love

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We made our way to the room where I had been before the ceremony. Marco was sitting in one of the chairs when we walked in. He stood up and gave Alora a quick smile. “Where are you going, all dressed up?”

She gave him a smile and a quick kiss on the cheek. Interesting. I had seen her around him before, and they did not seem this close. “Dinner with a lead. So, tell us what we need to know.”

“Sit,” he motioned to the couch across from where he sat. “Wrath has been quiet for the last few days. No one has seen any trace of him.” He handed us a stack of pictures. “He likes to leave a mark on the foreheads of his victims.”

I scanned through the pictures, everyone had something branded on their forehead. I pulled one photo closer, looking at the brand. “Wait, is that a Cimaruta?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“What is a Cimaruta?” Alora asked

“It dates back to early Italy. People wear it as a charm around their neck to ward off evil,” I looked at Marco, “why would he brand them with that?”

“Our inside guy on the force told me the profiler thinks it may be a sign of his remorse for his victims, or maybe paying homage to them, to protect them from evil.”

“What do you think it means?” Alora asked him.

“I don’t know. I guess it could be either.” Marco replied.

“Is he doing it when they’re alive, or after he’s killed them?”

“After,” Marco confirmed.

I nodded, studying the pictures, I shook my head and set them back on the table. “Is there any other connection between them besides the families?”

“We’re not sure. Each family is being pretty tight-lipped about what exactly they did within their outfit. It's hard to connect the dots. That is why Vigo brought you two together. He thinks you can get answers others haven't been able to. For some reason, he thinks the two of you are going to change things.”

“He said the two of us will change things?” Alora asked. He nodded. She turned and looked at me, I stared at her, raising my eyebrows. She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

He looked at Alora then at me, a small laugh rolling out of his mouth.

“What?” Alora asked.

Marco shook his head. “Nothing, just remembered something Nick said. That is pretty much all I know. No one has seen Wrath and lived to talk about it. He is smart. He has to be watching and calculating to take people out when they are alone and more vulnerable. Do not underestimate him. If he feels you on his trail, you may become his next victim,”

Alora nodded and stood up. She walked over and pulled him into a hug, “Thanks Unc. We have dinner to get to.”

He nodded. “I will keep you posted on anything new I find out.” We turned and walked out of the room.

Gabriele was standing there as we made our way out. “Where are you going?”

Alora looked at him. Her face changed, vacant of emotion besides the look of pure hate in her eyes. Something I was realizing she did anytime he was around. “We have dinner reservations with a contact about Wrath.”

“Who is this contact?” He barked at her.

“None of your business. I am not going to tell you that.”

His jaw clenched, his hands turned to fists as he took a step toward her.

I stepped in front of her, between the two of them. “Think twice.”

He looked at me and laughed. “In time boy, in time.” He turned to Alora. “One of the men backed into your car, it's in the shop.”

“What seriously?” She snapped at him. “Who?”

“That’s fine, we can take mine. My brother had it brought here earlier today.” I put my hand on the small of Alora’s back. “Should we go, wife?”

She looked at me and sighed. “Yes, let’s go.” She walked away and towards the front door.
