Page 64 of There Is No Love

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Gia smiled at him, “and what would I get out of it if I do?”

Arturo sighed, “what do you want?” She tapped her cheek with her pointer finger. Arturo shook his head and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

“Jokes on you,” she smiled, “I was going to let you drive anyways. No way you and Luka are going to fit in the back.” She opened the driver-side door, it flipped up instead of out. She handed the keys to Arturo, then grabbed his wrist, “don’t wreck my baby.”

He jerked his hand away, “relax G, and get in the back.”

Luka laughed, leaning in and whispering to me, “they used to have a bet about which one of them would own a BMW first when we were kids. Arturo has one, but not an i8.” He dropped his duffle bag in the trunk and opened the passenger door.

I looked in the back, at Gia squeezed in tight, “Seriously, that back seat is tiny.”

Gia smiled, “yeah, I didn't exactly buy it for the back seat. But don't worry, it's only like a fifteen-minute drive.”

I did my best to climb in the back without completely exposing myself in the process. It didn’t work very well. I am sure Luka got a pretty good show of my red thong. He looked at me with a huge grin, before putting the seat back and climbing into the passenger seat.

We made our way to the edge of the city, it looked like we weren't exactly in a good part of town. We pulled down a few roads and I saw lots of cars in the parking lot of what looked like an old, abandoned warehouse. No way this is where the fight would be. Arturo pulled up and parked towards the front of the building. Luka offered me his hand as he climbed out and pushed the seat up. As much as I don't want to take it, I knew I couldn’t climb out very easily without his help. I let out a sigh, grabbing his hand. Stepping up and over the door jam. My heels faltered as I tried to bring the other foot out, and he caught me. I lunged forward into his chest.

“Woah,” he looked down at me with that stupid smile of his, “you ok?”

I stood up, straightening my dress. “I’m good.” My legs wobbled just a little bit, and he grabbed my shoulders, steadying me. “I’m good.” I glared at him.

He put his hands up in surrender. “Okay cupcake.”

I sighed and started to open my mouth, telling him to piss off, when his lips crashed on mine. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. “Please save chewing me out for later, I need to get ready for this fight.” I took a deep breath and nodded. He went to the trunk grabbing his bag. Arturo and Gia walked over with Luka as he held out his hand to me. “Gotta have my head in the game,” he raised one eyebrow. I shook my head, but reached out, he grabbed my wrist leading us into the building. I looked down, it was strange how he grabbed my wrist instead of my hand.

The building was roaring with yells, and cheers as we made our way through the crowd. It was an old run-down abandoned warehouse. I thought maybe the inside would be a contrast to the outside, but it wasn't. We walked toward the front of the crowd that stood in a circle around two guys beating the crap out of one another. I don't know what I expected when he told me he was a street fighter, but I guess it wasn't this. I heard some kind of humming and looked up to see fluorescent lights above. Luka pulled my wrist, pushing through the crowd, and through a set of swinging doors, into what looked to be an old break room of sorts. Lockers lined one wall, a few tables scattered about. Wires hung from the ceiling and I’m pretty sure tetanus would be a problem if you cut yourself on the lockers or anything contained in this building.

“You mind going to find Scar, let him know we’re here," Luka asked Arturo.

He nodded and started back to the door. “I’m going with you,” Gia gave me a wink, then chased after him.

I watched as they left. Luka hopped up on one of the tables, smiling at me. He lifted his hand in the air, gesturing with his pointer finger for me to come to him. I crossed my arms to my chest and shook my head. “I am not a dog.”

“Will you please just come here?”

I sighed and walked over. “What?”

He grabbed my elbows, my arms still crossed to my chest, pulling me between his legs. He slowly reached up, grabbing my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You stay right by my side until the fight, and then you stay right by Arturo's side.”

I rolled my eyes, trying to pull away, “I can take care of myself.”

His grip tightened on my chin, pulling me back to look into his eyes. “I know you can, but please just do this for me. This isn’t a safe place, and these guys have no idea who you are. Not yet, you haven't been my wife long enough for them to know you're off limits.” I just stared at him. “Alora dammit for once just cooperate.”

“Fine, I will stay by your side and Arturo’s.”

“Thank you,” he grabbed my waist pulling me into him, “was that so hard?”

“Yes, and what do you think you’re doing?”

“Did you wear that red lace thong for me?” He raised both eyebrows. I knew he had seen them. I shook my head, lying to him or myself. I am not even sure at this point. I had snuck, buying them when Voralie was in the changing room. I had never owned a pair before. “Now Vixen, no woman wears panties like that, unless she wants someone to see them.” His left hand slowly started making its way down the skirt of my dress. His fingers caressed where it stopped, my body reacting to his touch. I swallowed, taking a deep breath. “Can I feel them?”

I stared into those dark eyes and nodded. What is wrong with me? His hand wrapped around my leg, slowly gliding up my inner thigh. My breath came out in quick short bursts as his hand reached the top of my leg, his fingers tracing the inside edge of my thong. “Did you put these on for me?” he asked again, in a deep gruff voice, “don’t lie to me.”

My legs started to shake. “Yes.”

“Good Girl.” I felt myself pooling as his fingers push further underneath, “I’m going to touch you,is that okay?” I nodded as two fingers pushed inside me. I knew at any second, anyone could walk through that door and find us. There would be no hiding what he was doing right now, and I don’t know if I was terrified, or turned on.

“Oh Vixen,” his other hand fisted my dress at the small of my back, pulling me deeper between his legs, pushing his fingers deeper into me, “you are so wet for me right now.” His lips crashed to mine, our tongues fighting for dominance as he worked his fingers in and out of me. Owning me, taking me, and I, his willing participant. Get your head together Alora. His lips left mine, his fingers pulled out leaving me panting. He stared at me ,his fingers sliding into his mouth, licking them clean. His lips glistened from my juices. “They’re back.” He pulled me back to his wet mouth. The doors swung open, I’m assuming Arturo and Gia walked back in. He pulled away, putting his lips to my ear, whispering, “I’ll make you come later if you’re a good girl.”
