Page 65 of There Is No Love

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He hopped down from the table, spinning me around, and pulling me into his side “Scar, big turn out tonight.”

I looked to see a big guy walking toward us, and his name became clear. A scar stretched from his left temple down his face and neck, traveling below the collar of his button-down plaid shirt. Even without the scar, this man would be intimidating to most. I have been around intimidating men my entire life, so he didn’t faze me. “You always bring the crowds,” he extended a hand to him.

Luka reached out with the hand he just had inside me, giving me a sly grin as they shook. “Scar, this is my wife, Alora.”

Scar nodded his head to me, “Alora, it is nice to meet you,” he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, catching me off guard.

“Oh, well. Nice to meet you as well.” I crossed my left leg over my right, pushing them hard together. Trying to control the throbbing pulsating my body.

“You ready?” he turned to Luka.

“Yeah, give me ten minutes, Arturo, will you wrap me?” Arturo nodded and walked over, wrapping his hands. Luka turned to me. “I will see you out there, stay with Arturo.”

I shook my head, “I know,” spinning around and walking out with Arturo and Gia. We made our way back through the crowd, to the front. Arturo stood on the right, while Gia was on my left.

“You ready for this?” she asked me.

“Honestly, I don't know what to expect. I have never been to a fight, let alone a street fight. Only seen them on TV.”

“This won't be like anything you’ve seen on TV,” Arturo looked down at me, his face tense.

Scar walked out into the middle, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event. We’ve got Declan, ‘The Destroyer’,” the crowd cheered as a man walked in next to him, wearing gym shorts and nothing else, his hands wrapped. “And Luka ‘Savage’ Rossi.”

This time the crowd erupted. Clearly, he is the crowd favorite. Luka walked in from the right side, in shorts as well. Staring down at the man Scar called The Destroyer, suddenly I felt my chest tighten.

They walked to the middle, staring one another down, flanking Scar on both sides. “You know the rules,” Scar said, “there aren’t any.” My heart beat faster in my chest. Luka and The Destroyer fist bumped, and Scar stepped towards us. He stood next to Arturo, “how is he tonight?”

Arturo nodded, keeping his eyes on the fight.

Luka and Declan circled each other, hands up in front of their faces. Declan swung right, Luka dodged, and swung around, catching him in the ribs. Declan uppercut with his left and caught Luka on the chin. He stumbled backward one step and smiled, hands back in front of his face. Declan charged and took shot after shot. Luka guarding with his upper arms. Luka jumped back, popping his neck, and then sprinted forward, his right fist connecting with Declan's left cheek. Declan stumbled backward, but shook his head, recovering quickly. Screams erupted through the crowd. Some yelling Destroyer, but more yelling Savage. Fists started flying from both of them, both landing powerful shots. Declan's leg came up, kicking Luka hard in his ribs. I winched, turning my head, only to turn back and see Declan land a hard punch to Luka’s right eye, his head flying to the side. His fists flew against Luka’s chest and face, blood splashing off of him.

Suddenly Luka whipped around fast, kicking Declan in the face, knocking him to the ground. He jumped on top of him, wailing his face over and over. I saw him bend down, saying something to him before he went back to his assault. Declan kicked his rib with his knee and flipped his legs around pushing him backward. Spinning around, turning the tables on him, punching him over and over. I gasped and leaned into Gia as blood spilled from Luka’s face. My heart sank, he was going to lose.

“Don’t discount him yet,” Arturo looked down at me as if he’s reading my mind, “they don't call him Savage for nothing.”

Luka’s legs lifted from behind Declan, wrapping around his neck, forcing him to his back. Luka spun quickly, kneeing him in the face, before landing three punches to his ribs. Declan's body went limp. Luka stood up and spun around. Scar ran up, holding his hand high in the air, “Our winner!”

Luka raised both fists in the air, the crowd chanting his name in unison, as scar led him out and through the crowd. I looked up at Arturo. “We’ll give him a minute, he likes to be alone after a fight.”

I nodded and turned looking to see the very top of the swinging doors open and shut. I suddenly wanted to be in that room with him, to make sure he was ok. I took a deep breath and turned, seeing two men pick up Declan and carry him off. “Is he dead?”

Gia shook her head. “I don't think so, but he may not survive his injuries. These fights typically go to the death or at least knock. Someone rarely taps out. You don't come back from a tap out in the streets.”

I nodded and took a deep breath, realizing Luka could have died tonight, how would I have felt if he had?
