Page 70 of There Is No Love

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“What is the big deal? Why are you afraid of letting me in?”

I pulled away from him, “I just can’t.”

“Is it the other guy?” His teeth grit, “is it because you love him?” His voice dripped with pain, the thought of me loving another man hurt him.

I stared into his eyes. I thought telling him I loved someone else would deter him, but it wasn't working. I couldn’t develop feelings for him, everyone who loves me gets taken from me. Nick and Uncle Marco even have to pretend to be indifferent. I didn’t want to hurt him like that, but I had to do something. “I lied, I don’t love him. I just,” I searched my brain for a way to make him stop, “need him,” I lied.

“Why can't you just give me a chance, give us a chance?”

I took a deep breath, pushing down tears trying to surface, pushing the weight down, pushing the flutter in my stomach down. “There is no love in this world Luka. Our world, the one we live in, is pain and turmoil. There is no room for love in it. Anything good gets taken, love cannot exist here.”

“That is not true, love can exist anywhere. You’re just scared.”

“Name one instance, one couple who loves each other through this evil that surrounds us. There is no love between your parents, that is obvious. You’ve been around other couples in the families, do you see much true love? Or is it all games, all pieces on a board being moved, being used as strategy? You and I, we’re just pawns in someone else's game.”

“Alora,” he stepped towards me, hands stretched out, “just because we’re being used, doesn’t mean we,”

“STOP,” I stepped towards the door, reaching back and grabbing the handle, “I will never love you, I can’t.” I opened the door, “go get ready I will meet you downstairs when you’re ready to go.” I walked out and made my way to the kitchen, searching for something to eat.

A woman in her late forties, maybe early fifties walked in and looked up at me, “Mrs. Rossi, can I make something for you?”

“Oh no, I was just wanting something fast since I missed breakfast, and please just call me Alora.”

“Mr. Rossi would never let me call you Alora, so I will stick with Mrs. Rossi. There are leftovers, I could make you a parfait, or warm up some biscuits and gravy for you.”

“A parfait with strawberries, granola, and chocolate chips?”

She laughed, “I can make that happen.”

“Thank you….”


“Thank you, Sarah.” She mixed it up for me and gave me a warmed biscuit with bacon to go with it, insisting a parfait by itself was not enough, and I needed some protein. “So have you been here very long?” I hopped up on the counter, taking a bite of my biscuit.

“Oh yes, a very long time, my whole life. My mom used to cook for Mr. Rossi’s grandpa, and then his father, and at some point, along the way I just took over.”

“Oh wow, you didn't ever want to leave?”

“I did, my mom wanted me to at one point. But living here in this house has just been what I’ve always known. Plus,” she smiled, “it's not all bad. When Mrs. Rossi moved in, she and I kind of became friends. I think it was partly because she just needed a woman to talk to, and I have become pretty fond of those two boys.”

“Alora sweetheart there you are,” Voralie walked in, “what are your plans for today?”

“I am about to go with Luka and Arturo, there was a,” I stopped and looked at her, not sure if she liked to be in the know of things going on. I knew most wives had very little if anything to do with the business side of things, “to take care of some things.”

“Well, when you get back, I want to sit down and show you something. I found an old box of pictures of your mom and me from our days before marriage as well as a visit she had made here when she was pregnant with you.”

I looked up at her, my eyes wide, my mouth open, “my mom came here? But Stefano hates our family why. . .”

“He wasn't here,” she interrupted me, “and your mom needed me, so I was there for her.” She looked at Sarah and smiled, “Sarah here kept her very well taken care of and comfortable in the guest house in the woods. Gabriele, or Stefano never even knew your mom was here.”

I looked between the two women who just smiled at me. My mom had been here, in this place and it had to be hidden. My mind was spinning. What had happened that she would risk coming here? I knew how my dad felt about Stefano, and he would not have liked my mom coming here.

Luka walked in and looked at me, the pain in his eyes still showing, the two of us staring at one another for a moment. “I see you found some food?”

I nodded. “Sarah took care of me.”

He turned and kissed his mom on the cheek. “We have some business to take care of but should be home by this evening.”
