Page 79 of There Is No Love

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Isatinbed, leaning against the headboard, my knees up, a book in my hand. Three am, and he still wasn’t back. I fought my worry; they were two grown men who could handle themselves. I grabbed my phone for the twentieth time and checked Nick still hadn't seen my text to him. I pulled up his number, about to dial, but I didn't. I threw my phone down with a sigh, focusing back on my book. I got to the bottom of the page and remembered nothing I had read. I finally gave up and put it on the bedside table. I stood up and paced around the floor. Luka had gotten in and made me care about him. I couldn’t let him know, couldn't let anyone know. There is no telling what my dad would do. I had already slipped, let him see how much I cared about Voralie. I grabbed my phone off the bed, “screw it.” I pulled up Nick's name and hit call. Five rings, “hello?”

“Where the hell are you guys? Why aren't you texting me back?”

“I didn’t have service at the fight, we are on our way home. We’ll be there in like five minutes.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Al,” he let out a long breath, “Luka isn't looking so good.”

“What do you mean? Did he lose?”

“No, he won, but he still got the crap beat out of him. He’s pretty out of it.”

“I’ll meet you outside,” I hung up, throwing my robe on, taking off down the stairs. I walked out and waited, watching for them to pull up. It felt like forever, but I knew it had only been a few minutes. Finally, I saw his car pull through the gate, watching as it pulled in front of me. I walked over, opened the passenger side door, and looked down at Luka. My heart dropped. Nick had said he looked rough, but I was not prepared. His left eye was swollen shut, bruises covered his face. His lip was swollen as well, blood everywhere, and his clothes were covered in it. “He needs to see a doctor.”

“He refused, he’s been in and out the entire ride back. I’ve been trying to keep him awake. He said he just wanted to get back here to you.”

He stirred, a moan escaping his lips, “Alora?”

I knelt beside him, “I’m right here, what the hell is wrong with you? You need to see a doctor.”

“I just need,” his eyes fluttered, “sleep.” He was out again.

“Call Doc, and then help me get him up to our room,” I shook his shoulder. “Luka! You have to stay awake, you might have a concussion.”

His eyes opened, and he looked at me, “I just need sleep.”

“No, you need to stay awake, can you walk at all?”

He nodded, his feet pulling out to the driveway, “I’m good.”

I put his arm around my shoulder, trying to help him. Nick came and took over, “Doc is on his way, he’ll be here in twenty.”

I nodded, the three of us making our way into the house, and up to our room. I set pillows up against the headboard. Nick helped him to sit up against them. “I am going to go grab water and pills, he said his head was pounding.” Nick turned and left.

“You’re both making a big fuss about nothing, I’m fine. I told you I just need to rest.”

“Not until Doc looks at you. Stay awake, I’ll be right back,” I walked into the bathroom turning on the water and warming it up. I wet a couple of washcloths and grabbed a towel. I made my way back out, sitting next to him on the bed. “I’m going to clean you up,” I pressed one of the wash clothes to his face. He flinched, I sucked air through my teeth, “sorry.”

“It’s alright, just sensitive.”

I nodded, continuing to wipe the blood from his face. The beating he took was more apparent as the blood transferred to the cloth in my hand. I shook my head, “why do you like to fight?”

“I just do. I guess I kind of like the pain.”

I sighed, shaking my head, “well I hate it.” I washed his face until all the blood was gone.

“Why Alora, are you developing feelings for me?”

I stopped and looked at him for a moment, I was but I couldn't let him know that. “I may not have feelings for you like that, but that doesn’t mean I want to see you like this,” I shook my head, “let’s get you out of these bloody clothes.” I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, helping him pull it up over his head.

He grits his teeth, “If you wanted me out of my clothes, wife, all you had to do was ask.”

My eyes went wide when I saw his ribs. “Your entire body is like one big bruise.”

He raised his eyebrows, “you should see the other guy,” a smile forming on his face.
