Page 80 of There Is No Love

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I shook my head, standing up and taking his shoes off, “are you ever serious?”

“Occasionally,” he unbuttoned his pants, as I helped him take them off.

“These are trash now,” I walked over putting his shirt and jeans in the small garbage can. I turned around looking at him, even bruised and broken he was still sexy as hell sitting in the bed, wearing nothing but his boxers. “We better cover you up before Nick comes back.” I helped him get under the covers, pulling them to his waist. He looked up at me with a big smile. “What?”

“You’re being awfully affectionate towards me.”

I leaned down, stopping right before I pressed my lips to his, “I just don't want your death on my conscience.” I stood up the towels I had cleaned him with in my hands, “don’t get any ideas in your head this is anything more than that.”

“Me thinks thou doth protest too much Alora.”

I rolled my eyes, and walked towards the bathroom, “stay awake.” I washed the blood out of the washcloths the best I could. And hung them over the towel bar to dry. I made my way back into the room, Luka’s head was bobbing up and down. “Hey, hey!” I sat down beside him, giving his shoulders a light shake, “stay awake.”

He blinked his eyes, looking up at me, shaking his head back and forth, “I’m exhausted.”

“I know, but you have to stay awake,” my hands are still on his shoulders, ready to shake him if need be.

He smiled, lifting his hand and resting it on my cheek, “you can deny it all you want, but I can see in your eyes you care about me.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. I opened looking at him, “You don’t understand, I,”

A knock on the door jolted me from the bed. I turned to see Nick walk in, “Doc’s here,” he walked in followed by the older man everyone called Doc. He had been here on several occasions taking care of the men. He used to be a surgeon, but lost his license after a malpractice suit, dad got his claws into him. The family owned him now.

He looked at me and smiled, “Alora, sweetheart. How are you?”

“Good Doc, how are you?”

“I am well,” he looked around me to Luka on the bed, “you must be Luka?” He walked over, holding his hand out.

“Yes, nice to meet you.”

“You as well, let's have a look, shall we?” He sat his bag down on the bed, “so you like to fight I hear?” He pulled a tool out shining a light into Luka’s eyes.

“Yes sir.”

“Doc please,” he continued to check him out, asking him questions as Nick and I stood off to the side watching and listening.

Nick bumped my shoulder, whispering to me, “you good?”

I nodded, my focus on what Doc was saying to Luka.

“You care about him, don’t you?” I furrowed my brows, and shook my head, “no, I do. . .”

He interrupted me. “Don’t do that, not with me. I know you better than anyone in this world Alora.”

I sighed, “it doesn't matter, I can’t. He is safer without me in his life.”

“He thinks you’re involved with one of the men,” he laughed. I looked up at him and swallowed. He looked down at me, eyes wide, “what the hell Alora? Seriously?”

“Keep your voice down,” I grabbed his arm, dragging him into the closet.


“It doesn’t matter.”


I shook my head, “Michael.”
