Page 82 of There Is No Love

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“I hope you’re not falling in love with that boy Alora, what did I tell you?"

“I know,” I interrupt, “the one thing you have taught me in this life is there is no love. I know, believe me, I do not love him or anyone for that matter.” I turn, and glare at him, “you taught me to hate, not to love.”

He looked at me and smiled, “good, love has no place here.”

I nodded and turned, making my way back to the bedroom. Nick and Luka were laughing when I walked in. “Oh man,” Luka bent over clutching his ribs, “don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”

I walked over, “what’s so funny?”

Nick smiled and stood up, “nothing just guy talk.” He kissed my forehead, “if you guys need anything let me know.” He turned and walked out the door.

“Soooo, should we,” Luka lifted his eyebrows up and down.

“You’re an idiot.”

He chuckled, then stopped and grabbed his ribs. “Oh man,” he took a deep breath leaning his head against the headboard, closing his eyes.

“We have to keep you awake for a few more hours.”

“Well, then you better entertain me, wife. You should dance for me.”

“Ha, you would like that wouldn’t you?”

“Oh yes, I would. Very much so.”

“Well, that isn’t happening.”

He let out a big yawn followed by a deep breath through his teeth, “you better think of something, because I am having a hard time staying awake as it is.”

“I could just shove you every time you fall asleep.”

“Mm,” he replied, “but that might worsen my condition.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Tell me about your childhood.”

“That's a sad story.”

“Come on there has to be some good stories, you said you loved your Nanny, there must be good memories there. And you and Nick must have some good memories, right?”

I looked at him and nodded, “yeah.”

“Okay, tell me about those.”

I crawled into the bed. “I had done something to piss my dad off, which was something I did often, so Nick and I ran away together into the woods in the back,” I laughed. “We found this cave and decided that was going to be our new home.”

“How old were you?”

I shook my head, “I must have been seven, so Nick would have been eleven. We stayed out there all day, thinking we were big shots. We found some black raspberries, Nick said he would hunt, and we would just live off-grid.” I laughed. “We made it until dark, and then made our way back to the house.”

He looked at me and smiled, “you two are close, aren't you?”

I nodded, “Nick’s my rock, I wouldn't have survived this house without him.”

He reached over and grabbed my wrist, “I can be your rock too ya know? You can lean on me.”

“I can’t Luka, I know you think you can handle my dad, but you can't. You don’t understand the lengths he will go to. I swear he is obsessed with making my life miserable.” I pushed his hand away, “we have to stick to the original plan, promise me.” I looked up, pleading with him.

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