Page 81 of There Is No Love

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“Michael? Seriously?”


“How long?”

“A couple years.”

“Are you still sl,”

“No," I interrupted him, “not since before the wedding.”

He shook his head, “What the hell were you thinking?”

“At first it was just to get back at dad, and then the sneaking around was kind of exciting,” I shook my head, “it doesn't matter, I told him it was over.”

“That explains why he has been more douchy than normal,” he ran his hand through his hair. “If your dad found out, hell if Luka found out.”

“I know, so keep it between us.”

“Michael?” He shook his body and grit his teeth, “gross.”

I sighed, “please just drop it.” I walked back into the room, Nick following behind me.

Doc asked Luka a few more questions, then stood up. “Well, you have a concussion and probably a couple of cracked ribs,” he looked at Nick, “how long ago was the fight?”

Nick looked at his watch, “couple hours ago I guess.”

Doc nodded, “you need to stay awake for two or three more hours. Tylenol for the headache. Alora, keep an eye on him, if he starts to get dizzy, nauseous or vomits, gets confused, or has memory issues let me know.”

I nodded, “okay.”

“And you need to take it easy for a few days,” Doc pointed at Luka, “no fights, nothing that works your brain too much like TV or reading, no strenuous activity.”

Luka looked at me and smiled, “does the strenuous activity include sex?”

I felt myself blush and I shook my head.

“Yes, it includes sex. No strenuous activity for a week. You need to take it easy; do you hear me?”

Luka nodded, “I hear ya Doc, but you better talk to Alora, she is like a wild animal.”

“Okay,” I interjected. Luka laughed, Doc chuckled, and Nick shook his head. I walked over and put my arm behind Doc’s, “I will walk you to the door. Nick, keep Luka company, will you?”

Nick nodded and walked over to sit at the foot of the bed.

Doc and I walk down the stairs, to the front door. “Will he be okay though?”

“Yes, just keep him awake for a couple more hours, make sure he doesn't develop any more symptoms. Call me if he does, and make sure he takes it easy for a week. I will check in on him, but as he gets back to normal activity watch for symptoms to come back.”

“Doc, thank you for coming out.”

“No problem sweetheart, you call if you need anything.”

I closed the door behind him and made my way back to the stairs.

“Your husband okay?”

“He’s fine.” I don’t even look at him as I make my way up the stairs.
