Page 84 of There Is No Love

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“YesDoc,I’vebeen taking it easy,” I replied. Alora had made sure of it. She had kept me completely out of the loop for the last week and threatened Nick with bodily harm if he told me anything. She could fight it all she wanted, but she cared about me. She even took my phone away, when I wouldn’t stop texting Arturo. We spent every night in bed, reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. She said she accidentally put it in her bag when we came back here, but I am pretty sure she did it on purpose.


“Not in three days.”

“Good, you seem much better. I think you can start getting back to normal, but you still need to take it easy. And no fighting for at least a month. I would prefer you give it up entirely.”

“Not gonna happen Doc.”

“That’s what I was afraid of. Seriously not for a month though, if you have another concussion too soon the symptoms might become permanent,”

“What about dancing? We are attending a ball this weekend.”

"Slow dancing is fine, but don't push it."

“You got it Doc.”

He smiled and stood up. I led him to the front door, “Thanks Doc.”

“You’re welcome. Call if you need anything.”

“I will,” I closed the door and turned around, looking at one of the maids. “Have you seen Alora?”

“Yes sir, she’s in the library with Nick.”

“Thank you,” I walked over, knocking before opening the door.

Alora and Nick looked up at me, she turned back to Nick, “so what do you think?”

“I don’t know honestly,” Nick gave me a nod, “but we could talk to Gianni at the ball.”

“Fill me in, Doc said I am good to get back to normal, so I don't want to be out of the loop anymore.”

“No restrictions?” Alora asked.

“He said to take it easy and watch for symptoms, but yes.”

She nodded, “okay.”

Nick looked at me. “Wrath killed three more this week.”


“Two the night of your fight, and one two days ago,” he replied.

“Are we any closer to finding out who he is?”

He shook his head, “No, and yes, they got the results back from the blood.” He stood there looking at me.

“And? Did they find a match?”

“No, but Wrath is not a man. Wrath’s a woman.”

I looked at Nick, then Alora, her eyes wide, “Seriously?”

He nodded, “yeah.”

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