Page 85 of There Is No Love

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I sat back and shook my head, “wow, this changes things. Do you think maybe it's a girl that was on the inside and got out?”

“We have no idea,” Nick answered, “but we plan to talk to Gianni this weekend. See what he is hearing. Try and get any other information we can since there will be a lot of players there.”

I nodded, “what else have I missed from this week?”

“Nothing,” Alora answered, “we’ve been chasing this new lead and training.”

“I’m being told Gabriele thinks Stefano is behind Wrath and vice versa,” Nick shook his head. “They might complicate things.”

“Do you think there’s any weight to either claim?”

“Honestly,” Nick ran his hand through his hair, “I wouldn’t put it past either of them. Even the killing of their people to throw off the trail.”

“Have you talked to Arturo? Does he know?” I asked Alora.

“Yeah, we’ve talked almost every day,” Alora looked at me.

“Really? You and my brother have talked almost every day?”

“Yeah, do you have a problem with that?”

“No, I’m just surprised. He hates talking on the phone.”

“The calls last like 3 minutes, we’re not sitting around eating bon bons and bonding.”

I laughed, “relax, you can talk to Arturo as much as you want. So, what’s the plan for the Ball?”

“Well Nick, you clean up nice.”

He turned, smiling at me, gripping the lapel of his tuxedo, “thank you.”

“Tonight should be interesting huh? Gabriele and Stefano haven’t been in the same space since the wedding.”

“They will keep things cordial tonight.”

I nod, “true, they don't want to cause a scene.”

“Here comes Alora,” Nick announced.

I turned to see her walking down the stairs. Her black dress faded into red at the bottom, hugging her curves in all the right places. Sleeves hung off her shoulders, bouncing as she made her way down. I smiled walking to the bottom of the stairs, reaching my hand out to her. “Wow, you are beautiful.”

A slight blush painted her cheeks as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she brushed her hand down the lapel of my jacket.

“Shall we wife?” I offered her my arm.

She nodded, sneaking her arm behind mine.

Stefano walked in, Marco by his side. “Alora, you look nice. We’re all riding together.”

“Dad, Nick was,”

He held his hand up, “not up for discussion. I want us to arrive together. Vigo made it clear he wants me to show I have accepted Luka into the family.” He turned, glaring at me, “if only for show, we will pretend to be a happy family tonight. Do you all understand me?”

Alora stepped forward, her hands in fists. I held her arm tight, pulling her into me, “we understand, I am a very good actor. No one will know I am secretly plotting your death in my head.”

A small laugh rolled from his lips, “clever.” He walked past us, and out the front door.

Nick shook his head, mouthing the word “nice”, before turning and following them out.

“It’s all good, just play the part and we’ll get through this night.” I kissed her on the cheek.

She looked at me and nodded. We made our way out, climbing into the limo as the driver pulled off, making our way to Gianni’s.
