Page 89 of There Is No Love

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Ilookedinthe mirror wincing as I leaned forward pain coursing through my ribs. I took a deep breath inhaling. I probably shouldn't have picked up Alora last night, but it was worth it. I walked out, dressed, and made my way downstairs.

Alora and Arturo were sitting at the table, eating. “What did you find out?” I looked at Arturo sitting next to Alora and filled a plate.

“Whoever she is, she is like a ghost. No one has any clue who she is,” he sat his fork down, “but there are some theories.”

“That is basically what I heard too,” I looked at Alora, “what did you find out?”

“The same. Most seem to think it is one of the girls that has gotten out and is now seeking revenge. That makes sense to me. Do you think it could maybe be one of the girls you guys helped get out?” She looked between Arturo and me.

Arturo looked at me, I shook my head. “I mean it’s possible I guess, but I can't think of one who fits the bill. Most of them are pretty broken.”

Arturo nodded. “Some can't leave the life either, they fall back into it, or even go back to their pimp.”

Her eyes grew wide, she looked at me and I nodded. “They’ve been in so long, it's the only thing they know.” She swallowed and looked down at her food, taking a bite. I put a hand on her shoulder, “that doesn't mean Elena will be like that.”

She gave me a nod, “so what do we do now?”

“We keep looking for leads,” Arturo answered, “I think it’s clear at this point it's not a rival thing, as Wrath is taking out people on all sides, and all families.” He glanced at his watch, took a bite, and stood up. “I am going to head back home; I don’t want to be here when your dad gets back.”

I stood up and pulled him into a hug, “Stay in touch, keep digging around here. We’ll get with Gianni as well.”

He nodded and let go pulling Alora into a hug. “You guys call me if you need anything,” his eyebrows lifted as he looked down at Alora, “I mean it, sister-in-law.”

She gave him a big grin, “I will Artie.”

He rolled his eyes and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Bye.” He turned and walked out.

We sat down and finished eating. Nick walked in. “Sorry I am late, so what's the news?”

We filled him in, then I called Gianni to set up a meeting. “Yes, sounds good, see you then.” I hung up and turned to them. “Meeting at the pier at noon.”

“I will check with my contacts I can trust,” Nick stood up, “might as well pool all sources we can at this point.” He gave Alora a quick kiss on top of the head and then walked out.

The three of us pulled into a parking spot and got out, making our way to the pier to meet Gianni. We saw him sitting on a bench. He stood up and smiled pulling Alora into a hug. She hugged him back, “so tell us what you know.”

We walked to the end of the pier, away from others to a spot by ourselves. “I think I am getting close to finding out who it is. It is something personal with those involved in trafficking and someone with inside information.” He stared out at the ocean deep in thought. A sigh left his lips he turned and looked at us. “All my intel is pointing to someone in or working for the families, deep in. It is going to get messy from here on out. Do you know what this means?” He looked at me.

I sighed, “this means chaos between the families.”

Gianni nodded, “Once we discover who Wrath is, we will see things we haven't seen since The Consortium was formed.”

“Fuck,” Nick let out a long sigh and leaned against the railing.

“I don’t understand,” Alora chimed in, “is it that bad?”

I looked at her, “it’s that bad.”

Her face went white, “so what do we do?”

Gianni spun leaning his back against the railing, he gave her a reassuring smile. “It means we prepare for a full-out war for power.”

We made our way up to the bedroom. “You good?” I asked, “You are very quiet.”

She nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’m good, just deep in thought.”

“Care to share?”
