Page 91 of There Is No Love

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I shook my head. “He is such a piece of shit.”

“You have no idea!”

“Nicholas, you’re needed at the training field.” We turned to see Marco standing there.

Nick looked at Marco and nodded. “Just keep going through the trees there, and you’ll find the trail.”


Nick nodded and took off giving his dad a nod as he walked past.

“You care about my niece, don’t you?”

I looked at Marco, the two of us had barely said anything to each other. Our paths had rarely passed since moving here. He looked a lot like Gabriele. You could tell they were brothers, but while Gabriele's eyes were brown, Marco’s were green, and his hair was much lighter. He didn't seem to carry himself with quite the same air of confidence Gabriele did either. I wasn't sure how much I should let on. “She is my wife.”

He nodded slightly. “This is true, but that is not by choice. You were both forced into it.”

“Yes, but I figure if she is going to be my wife, it's in my best interest to care about her wellbeing don't you think?”

He stared at me for a moment. Sizing me up, trying to read me. I had learned a long time ago to control my emotions around certain men, put on a poker face if you will, show no emotion. “You know the Volante Family has a hard time forgiving, once an enemy, always an enemy.”

“Your brother has made that very clear.”

A smirk spread across his face. “Very well, carry on.”

We stood there, staring at one another. A small snicker left his mouth as he turned and headed back towards the house. I watched for a moment and then turned, making my way through the trees. I found the path and started down it. I saw Alora off in the distance, walking towards me. Her arms were wrapped around her chest, and she was staring at the ground, walking slowly. I stepped on a twig, and she jerked up looking at me. I watched her swallow as she continued to walk toward me.

“What, now you’re looking for me?”

“Yes, I was worried. Are you all right?”

“I am fine.” She walked past me, rolling her eyes.

I hated it when she did that. I turned around, watching her for a moment as she picked up speed. I grit my teeth, hands in fists, staring up at the sky letting out a silent scream. I kicked a twig on the ground, sending it flying off into the trees.

“Alora, what is going on with you?” I called, chasing after her. “You have been weird since we got home last night.”

“Nothing.” She shook her head, picking up speed, making her way around the house.

I sped up, trying to catch up to her. She walked in the front door slamming it behind her. I shook my head, as I ran up opening it, seeing her running up the stairs. I took the stairs two at a time. I watched her walk into the room, starting to shut the door behind her. I grabbed it, pushing my way in. “Alora, what is going on?”

She walked to the bathroom, I stayed on her heels.

“I just want to take a shower, can you let me be, and stop pretending to care?”

I took a deep breath and shook my head. “Are we seriously back to this same old bullshit again?!”

She looked at me and nodded. “I have been telling you since you got here.”

“I can’t, with you right now.” I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom, and into the closet grabbing a duffle bag. I started shoving clothes in. I saw the letter my mom had given me, telling me to give it to her when the time was right. I shook my head and shoved it back into the bag.

She walked in. “What are you doing?”

I put a belt on secured my holster and put my gun in it. “I am going back to Bellissindale, to catch Arturo up on what's going on. I don't think I should chance telling him over the phone.” I slung my bag over my shoulder. “And I can't take your hot, cold, back and forth all the time bullshit.” I walked out towards the bedroom door, I opened it and started to leave. I stopped, I turned around and looked at her. “Like it or not Alora, I care about you.” I shook my head. “No, it's more than that. But I will not let you keep pulling me in one minute and pushing me away the next. Figure out what the hell you want.” I shut the door and made my way down the stairs, and out to my car.

“Luka? Where are you going? What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

“I am going home for a few days. Catch up with Arturo and see what he knows.” I shook my head and started to get into the car.
