Page 95 of There Is No Love

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Nick nodded and turned around.

“You sure this is a good idea?” Arturo asked.

“It’s better than going in completely blind.”

“Franco.” I heard Nick’s voice. “I got called in for backup, but they wouldn't tell me what the hell is going on. I can't get a hold of my dad either.”

“Man, I don’t know what the hell is happening, they put me out here guarding the door. But this shit is sketchy as hell.” He replied.

I rounded the corner and snuck up, grabbing Franco around the neck and putting my gun to his head. “I do not want to kill you, but we are going in there to get my husband and Marco out. Are you with us or against us?”

He held his hands up in the air. “I'm with you. Like I was telling Nick, something is not right.”

“Nick, get his guns.” Nick took his guns off of him, and I let him go. “Tell me everything you know.”

Franco turned and looked at me. “When we got here, Michael had Luka tied up in a chair in one of the torture rooms. He was pretty beat up already. Michael said he had proof he was Wrath.”

My heart sank. “But Wrath is a woman, it can't be Luka.”

“According to Michael Luka planted women's blood to throw off the trail.”

“What about my dad?” Nick asked.

Franco shook his head. “Gabriele started questioning Luka, trying to get information out of him. He was asking all kinds of questions about Wrath, Stefano, and you, Alora. He just kept punching him and even started slicing his arms with a knife if he wouldn't answer. Luka just kept looking up at him, smiling, laughing. Gabriele lost it and started punching him hit after hit. Marco stepped in and told him to calm down, that he wouldn't give him any information if he was dead. Gabriele punched Marco in the face and told two of the men to tie him up. He started asking him about your mom, about Voralie Rossi.” Franco shook his head. “Then they told me to go guard the front door. I’ve never liked your dad; he just isn't right. I am with you guys.”

“Can you get us into that room?”

Franco nodded. “I think so. I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.”

I looked at him and sighed. “Whatever it takes.”

“They’ll recognize me,” Arturo said. “Here put these on,” Nick handed Arturo a pair of sunglasses, “and this hoodie, pull it up over your head.”

Arturo quickly put the hoodie and sunglasses on. He looked at me. “You ready/”

I twisted my arms tied behind my back. ”This better work.”

“It’ll work.” Franco grabbed my hands and pushed me through the door, Arturo and Nick flanking behind us. Two men looked at us. “Gabriele had Nick bring Alora, he wants her to see this.”

“Why is she tied up?” One of the men asked. “Gabriele isn't going to like that.”

“She gave me no choice.” Nick chimed in, turning the left side of his face to show them where he had me scratch him. “She put up a fight.”

They nodded and moved away from the door. “Chris, you take over guarding the front door,” Franco said, he nodded and walked off.

The four of us made our way through the door and into a long hallway. Several men walking the hallways gave Franco and Nick nods as we walked past. I couldn't believe this was working. We got to the end of the hallway, and Franco turned me around whispering. “They’re through those doors. Once we walk through all hell will break loose.”

I nodded, “you don't have to go in with us.”

He smiled and untied my hands, “I told you I am with you.”

Arturo handed me my AR and nodded.

We busted through the doors, and I saw Luka in a chair, blood soaking his t-shirt and jeans, his head hanging down, hands tied behind his back. Marco was next to him, not looking much better. Dad turned and looked at us, that evil smile spreading across his lips. “Well, well, well. Hello daughter, come to see me kill your husband?”

The men surrounded him; guns are drawn at us. “What the hell? I know you hate Luka, but Marco too? He is your brother.”

“And the most traitorous snake of them all!” He spat out at me, walking over and grabbing the hair on top of Marco’s head, lifting it. “I had my suspicions, always felt like he cared a little too much for Sofia. Always aware of her whenever she was around. Like I wouldn't have any idea what was happening under my roof!” He looked down at Marco, and spit in his face. “You disgust me. All those years, did you think I didn't know you were sleeping with my wife?”
