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Now, she forced herself to meet Alejandro’s eyes. Lightning sparked between them. ‘I heard everything.’

Alejandro stayed right where he was, damn him. Didn’t he know how badly she needed him? She wanted his arms to wrap around her, she wanted to feel his strength. But for all that she felt her own life slipping out of shape, she knew what she’d done to his as well. She’d put him in this position. She’d known he was Luca’s best friend, and she’d pursued him, not caring how that might affect their relationship.

But he’d lied to her, and that was worse. How come he’d never told her that the only reason they’d met was because Luca had asked him to babysit her? Chagrin burned her cheeks pink. And yet, she wouldn’t throw Alejandro to the wolves. His lie didn’t change the fact that she’d pursued him. She’d come here asking him to make love to her. If Luca wanted to blame someone for the relationship, she was the rightful person.

‘You’re not giving your friend enough credit, Luca.’ She dug her fingernails into the soft flesh of her palm to stave off tears. ‘He tried to walk away from this. I pursued him. I wanted him. He did everything that was right and honourable. At no point has he ever misled me into thinking this is more than sex. Does that reassure you?’

Luca dragged a hand through his hair. ‘With respect, Sienna, you are no match for him. If he had truly wanted to walk away, he would have.’

‘That is true.’ Alejandro’s voice reached her, wrapping around her, and she heard the hint of kindness in it. He was trying to make her feel better. To undo the hurt that had been pelting down on her. But it couldn’t be undone. She’d lived through enough of that sting to know the way it landed in your soul and never shifted.

‘More pity?’

His eyes narrowed; there was danger in their depths, an anger and impatience that spoke of lost control. Not with her, but with Luca. He was furious with his friend for sparking this confrontation.

‘Pity is irrelevant.’

‘So you don’t feel sorry for me?’ She looked from one to the other, reality shifting to show her the truth for the first time since meeting Alejandro.

‘I hate the way your mother treats you,’ he said quietly. ‘The way she spoke to you at the wedding...’

Luca looked from one to the other, a frown on his face, then he took a step nearer to Sienna. She ignored him.

‘And so you slept with me to, what? Make me feel better?’

Luca swore softly.

Alejandro’s only response was a visible one—his chest moved in and out, hard, as though he was struggling to draw breath.

‘I don’t need your pity.’ Heat and hurt pride stung her cheeks. She turned to Luca. ‘And I don’t need you playing the part of the white knight, coming to save me from the big bad wolf or whatever. I appreciate that you’re trying to protect Olivia from the fallout of this, from worrying about me, but I can assure you, there’s no risk of that. She never needs to know about any of this.’

‘I find it harder to contemplate misleading my wife than you two might.’

Sienna sucked in a jagged breath. ‘I asked Alejandro to keep this a secret. Not because I wanted to “lie” to you and Olivia, but because my private life is exactly that—private. Olivia has been watching out for me since the day I was born and while I appreciate her to bits for that, it can be stifling, and I wanted to start living my damned life. Can’t you see that this has nothing to do with you?’

‘Even when I am the reason you met?’

‘Because you asked him to look after me at the wedding?’ Bile coated her throat. She didn’t look at Alejandro.

Luca barely moved, but there was the slightest shift of his head, a small movement of acknowledgement.

‘But everything that came after that was his decision and mine.’

‘That’s my point. Without me asking him to take care of you, none of this—’

‘You don’t get a say in what two consenting adults choose to do with their lives.’ She dug her hands into her hips, her temperature spiking. ‘I know you came here with good intentions, but I really think you should leave now. This is personal, and you don’t need to get involved. I’m fine. Alejandro has made sure of that, all the way along.’

And he had. He’d been so careful to be honest with her, to keep her at arm’s length during the day, making sure she understood that only the nights were hers, only his body.

But what of their dates? What of the way he’d shown her where he’d grown up? Wasn’t that proof that he was sharing more than just his body? That maybe he wanted more from her?

She looked at him and her heart went cold, because she didn’t see love in his eyes; she couldn’t read anything there. Coldness flooded her soul.

‘I’ll leave. But I will stay downstairs, Sienna. When you’re ready, you can come home with me.’

She had never felt more infantilised in her life. ‘That won’t be necessary.’ He loved her sister so much, and he was doing everything he could to care for Sienna in Olivia’s stead. She tried to soften her tone. ‘Go home, Luca. I don’t need you to protect me.’ She moved closer to him, putting her hand on his forearm. ‘But I do appreciate the sentiment.’

He grimaced, and she wondered if he was starting to rethink the wisdom of this.
