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After the hardest, most profound conversation I’ve ever been a part of, we fall back into each other. I feel insatiable with Cole, like I’ll never get enough. Sleep takes me after a groundbreaking, life-changing orgasm.

“Good morning again, beautiful. Marcus sent us a text saying he won’t be home until tonight. His mom isn’t feeling well either and brunch is off.”

“It’s probably not good that my best friend not coming home makes me extremely happy, is it?”

Cole laughs softly. “We’ll figure out a way to tell him together, and it’ll all work out. Won’t even be awkward.”

I laugh hard at this. “Oh, sure, keep telling yourself that, and maybe, just maybe your dreams will come true.”

His arms reach for my sides and dig in, tickling me into a fit of laughter.

“Damn it, Cole, stop.” I laugh and soon he stops but braces his body over mine. He brushes my hair off my face in the most intimate way that makes my insides feel like there might be a caged army of swarming butterflies. Only Cole could ever make me feel so damn girly.

“I will come up with the perfect speech, and if worse comes to worst, I’ll take all the punches. I promise.”

This, of course, makes me laugh even though it may be the exact outcome, and then he kisses me, and all thoughts go straight south. Holy shit, this man.

“I made you breakfast this time.”

“What? For real?” I ask, honestly shocked. No one has ever cooked for me. Ever. Mom was a total deadbeat; if I wanted to eat, I found the money for groceries and I cooked. Marcus and his family worked so much it was always takeout late at night at their record store. I was always grateful for a worry-free meal, so it never bothered me. This seemingly innocent thing he’s done for me means more to me than he might ever know.

“Yeah. You always make the most amazing food, and I know my pancakes and bacon won’t be near your status of awesome, but I wanted to and if it’s all terrible you can always drowned it out with your favorite coffee. Freshly brewed.” He looks so genuine and handsome; I can’t stop the megawatt smile even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I pull him down to me for a kiss just as genuine and hope he can feel how thankful I am.

Before we get carried away again, he pulls back and helps me out of his bed. I slip into his long-sleeved plaid shirt and notice he slipped on a delectable pair of sweatpants. I am one lucky girl to be following this sweet and sexy man downstairs, and I admire the view the entire way. Pancakes as promised sit on the island and bacon on a cookie sheet on the stovetop. The kitchen is a mess, but I just smile and hop up on the high counter by the coffee.

“Thank you for doing all of this for me, Cole. It looks great,” I say, reaching up for the plates on the too-high shelf. He doesn’t say anything, so I look over across the island to find him staring at me.

“Like what you see, baby?” I ask in my best 1-900 voice. His eyes turn dark and he licks his lips, reminding me of our first time together in this kitchen.

“Where is the honey?” I ask innocently and tap my chin, watching his reaction.

He drops his coffee cup with a heavy thud, splashing some on the counter. “Open your legs,” he growls.

It’s an order but one I’m happy to obey. I spread my knees wide across the cold countertop and cock my head to the side. “Like this?” Then I bat my eyes at him as he comes closer.

I can’t help the smile spreading across my face, and I lift the front of my shirt a little, his eyes never leaving my core. He drops down in front of me, warm hands on my knees and starts kissing my inner left thigh, sending an electric current through my whole body. I’m instantly wet and wanting but before his mouth reaches me, he turns his head and softly kisses my right thigh, building my want and teasing us both. I look down at his sweatpants, rewarded with his gigantic tent.

Finally, I feel his tongue lick my slit and I let my long loud moan free at the exact same time I hear “What the fuck!” from the front door.

“Oh my gosh!” I yell, and Cole jumps to his feet and stands between me and Marcus, covering me completely.

“What the fuck, you guys? I told you not to hook up, so you decide to fuck in my kitchen. I can never unsee that shit, Lyla! Damn it, Cole, she’s not just some lay. You two think this is all fun, but you know this is going to blow up like an atomic bomb!”

Marcus is blood red, I have never seen him so mad. “Marcus wait, just listen!” I try but Marcus is lit.

“No! You fucking listen for once, Lyla. I was trying to protect you. Cole isn’t going to be the guy for you for long. This guy moves on to a new girl faster than I do.”

“Fuck you, man; it isn’t like that. If you would just listen to us,” Cole barks back.

“No, fuck you! Fuck you both! You went behind my back and disrespected me. The worst thing about you two selfish assholes is that it’s not just our friendships you’re hurting. You think you can keep this going, but soon you’ll be done and my little girl who looks up to you both will be so hurt and confused over why you two can’t be at family dinner or even in the same room together.”

He turns for the door and just before he’s gone, I try one more time. “No! Marcus, please wait!”

I’m only met with a slam and part of me feels like breaking. Marcus has always been my best friend, but honestly more like family. The only real family I have, and I just literally fucked it up. Cole turns to me as tears fill my eyes. His hands cup my face and his forehead hits mine.
