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It’s a long hard day at the warehouse, but things are finally looking like a retail space. We are nowhere near done, but I see my vision coming to life and love it. The dark-teal painted walls and dark paneling wood are perfect for the boutique and aren’t the cliché turquoise other beach-themed stores are using. Plus, the guys loved the idea to paint the pipes on the ceiling crazy bold colors to add the dramatic pop of color to match the different clothes. I love all the little things that will set this place apart. I might be burying myself in my work and avoiding the chaos around me, but so far, it’s working out just fine.

As a huge bonus, I get to stare at Cole’s amazing muscles glistening with sweat so it’s by far my favorite job I’ve ever had. Including being an up-and-coming chef with my face plastered on billboards in Chicago. Cooking never came with these sexy perks.

The crew heads out, and Cole and I finish up and store our tools for the night. The sun is just starting to go down, but we decide to call it and walk hand in hand to pick up some takeout. I love when he cooks for me and never just assumes I’ll be doing the cooking, but we are both pretty tired from the heavy lifting we did all day.

When we make our way out of the restaurant, we are suddenly blinded by flashing lights. People all around us are yelling my name.

“Lyla, is it true your business partner ran your restaurant into the ground?”

One paparazzo hits me in the chin, shoving his phone in my face. I hear Cole yelling profanities, and more questions are yelled all at the same time. I feel like I’ve been shoved into a mosh pit. Everyone is pushing into me, and I lose my balance until someone grabs my arms and yanks me up. He’s still pulling me through the crowd, but I know it’s not Cole, so I twist until I’m out of his hold. He doesn’t turn around. Actually, he starts walking faster as the paparazzi keeps up the never-ending questions of my failed career. How did they find me, and why do they care at this point?

“I am no longer in the cooking industry. Now, if you all would please leave me be.”

I step out to the curb and spot Cole’s truck but no Cole. Suddenly the people surrounding me part as they’re shoved by my man bulldozing his way through them. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and even though I was miserable a second ago I can’t help the giddy yelp I let out. He unlocks his side of the truck and tosses me in. I slide over and watch all the phones and cameras in shock as they are all pressed against his window. He turns the truck on and revs the engine just a bit until they finally step back.

We take off toward home, and I look back to see if I can spot the guy in the red shirt that was pulling me. I didn’t see his face but something about him seemed familiar.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” Cole wraps his meaty bicep around my back and my waist, and I scoot closer and straighten out.

“It’s not your fault, Cole. If anything, I’m sorry. I don’t know how they found me or why they think I’m news anymore.”

“I hate to say it, but the crypt keeper knows you’re at that warehouse and could have told them.”

This is all very true, and my mind goes back to the man in the red t-shirt again. I’m lucky I got away and didn’t just go with him to get out of the chaos. Was that his plan? Was that all a setup?

We get back to the apartment with nothing to eat so we pull together a couple grilled cheese sandwiches and salads. After our shower Cole grabs my chin with deep furrowed brows.

“What?” I ask, unsure what could be wrong all of a sudden.

He spins me to look in the mirror and sure enough a large bruise is forming on my chin. Probably from that first hit I took. I will probably have a few more come tomorrow, but I’ll keep this to myself along with my encounter. I turn back to my beautiful man and shrug as I put my arms around his neck.

“I’m okay, baby. Let’s just relax and fall into our bubble for the night.” His face doesn’t get any happier, but he leans down and brushes his lips against mine. “I won’t let anything like that happen to you again.”

“I know. I trust you and know I’m safe with you, Cole. Please don’t worry yourself sick. Your guy will get the right information to the police and everything will blow over. I’m sure whatever gossip the paparazzi comes up with over tonight will be enough to let me fade off into obscurity never to be famous again.”

The idea makes me smile, and I press my lips to his. He deepens the kiss and sweeps me away. We don’t even make it out of the bathroom.

I’m totally spent by the time he’s done with me and forget everything that happened. He picks me up off the countertop and puts me in bed. He brushes the hair from my face, leaning over me and telling me all about how amazing he thinks I am. I go into detail about his awesomeness and even confess my fantasies I’ve had while watching him at work. Suddenly we’re in this weird competition on sexy thoughts and laughing until finally we roll into a spoon and fall asleep.
