Page 7 of All Fired Up

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Unfortunately, we didn’t get to bask in the satisfaction flowing through our veins nor get to the round two Grady’s rapidly recovering cock was promising. Why not? His still open laptop had signaled an incoming video call, from his parents no less.

Yeah. Talk about putting a dampener on a mood. We’d just defiled each other, then he wanted me to meet his dad, Clint, and mom, Michelle, with mussed hair, swollen lips, and his buttons uneven.

Taking the awkward to a whole new level, when his mom had commented on how beautiful our babies would be, Grady bluntly informed her if she didn’t quit interrupting us, there wouldn’t be any.

I blushed so hard I probably resembled a tomato. The older couple laughed, not at all as uncomfortable as I was. That, more than any stories Grady could’ve shared with me, gave me a glimpse in to how close his family is. How much they love.

And realizing I could be a part of that had me fighting back tears. When his mom confessed that she worried Grady was pulling her leg about me, he wasn’t surprised. He went on to tell her, and me, that he may have let me believe it was an act to make her happy, but when he’d proposed, he meant it.

That’s when I completely fell for him, landing with a solid thunk as I found my footing in a now changed world.

Chapter Six


February 8th…

The past two weeks have been nothing short of amazing. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because it doesn’t seem real. I’m not used to this. My life wasn’t my own in most ways back home, so I had to find happiness where I could. I’d discovered a balance in toeing the line versus being true to myself, little victories that only I might’ve celebrated, but they were wins nonetheless. It was exhausting at the best of times. Grady has unintentionally, or perhaps he knows what he’s doing, opened up so many possibilities. Before I’d even told him about how strict my parents were, how traditional they could be, he already seemed to know what I needed.

Prior to moving here, Jason was the only person I really let in. There were acquaintances, but that was it. I’d been betrayed once, and that was enough for me. A girl I’d thought was my friend had actually been offered money from my parents to report back to them. I wasn’t a bad kid, it just wasn’t my nature, but I was a teenager at the time, which meant the normal form of rebellion for that age. Small, but enough to have my father and mother tightening the reins to where they became almost strangling. There was even talk of home-schooling. Well, paying someone to do it for them, but thankfully, it never went further than that.

After all but destroying my ability to trust, you’d think I’d more closely guard against allowing others close to me. But…Grady isn’t just anyone. I don’t know what it is about him that had me agreeing to the crazy charade of pretending to be his fiancée, though it was quickly clear that we were no longer faking it. Not that he ever was. He’d known from the start it was real, his ruse was to give me the chance to realize it, too. Which I did sooner than I believed possible. Fate brought me to Sweetville for a purpose, and my heart screams is the reason.

To some, our professional relationship would cause concern as it could impact us personally, and if it was anybody but me and Grady, I’d probably feel the same. However, he immediately took steps to alleviate any fears in that regard by putting my employment solely under the purview of Clint. It’s the perfect compromise to appease all involved and avoid any potential issues that could arise. I find that highly unlikely with how great things are going between us, though.

As if the universe felt I was mocking it, there’s a knock on my door. I’m off from the bar and Grady had meetings that kept him from the office, so we’re having dinner when he’s done. After breakfast this morning, we’d shared a kiss and went our separate ways. It was weird not seeing him all day after that as I’ve gotten used to his presence. Even when I’m working at Tap That, he’s been known to go in and hang out until I’m done, then we head to my place or his. We haven’t spent the night apart since we made love the first time. As it’s too early to be him, I’m not sure who it could be. I’ve made friends here, but I don’t think we’ve reached the point to make unexpected visits at each other’s home yet.

The crime here is pretty non-existent, besides, bad guys don’t really announce themselves, so I don’t bother looking outside. Perhaps if I had, the shock wouldn’t have about dropped me on my butt. “Jason?”

“Hey, sis,” he greets me like this was planned. Then he strolls inside, my eyes not missing the bag on his shoulder nor the suitcase he’s rolling behind him. He looks at me expectantly, causing me to shut the door and tell him to make himself at home. Which is he was clearly hoping for.

I have so many questions, first and foremost being why he’s here, coupled with how he got to be, but I go with a superficial one…literally. “Blond, huh?” I ask, trying not to ruffle the strands as I would before I’d left. As much as it pains me to admit, I’m not sure he’d welcome the affection.

Thankfully, I was wrong. “You know you want to,” he chides, standing there as my hand rises to his head and musses his once carefully styled to appear casual hair.

“It suits you,” I inform him. And it does. You’d think with our coloring, he wouldn’t be able to pull it off, but somehow he does. Then again, his natural skin tone is lighter than mine, a throwback to a long ago American relative according to our mother. Whether it’s true or not I don’t know, but it’s a legitimate possibility according to our genealogy.

“I thought so, too,” he admits, his tone implying no one else agrees with us. Jason shrugs as if it doesn’t bother him, but we each know it does.

Knowing the answer yet having to ask anyway, I inquire, “They know you’re here?”

He glances to the left, avoiding my eyes as he replies, “Of course.” Meaning they’ve surely figured it out or he left while they were at work and they’ve more than likely found his note by now. I sigh, not upset he’s here, only at how it came to fruition. Needing to do damage control, I take my cell from my back pocket and prepare to contact our parents, knowing this will be unpleasant, to say the least.

It rings before I can, mom’s number showing on the screen. Fudge! They beat me to it, which does not bode well. I just know they’ll find some way to lay the blame at my feet.

“Hi, mom.”

“This is all your fault.” Called it. For once, being right brings me no pleasure.

“Hello to you, too.”

“Your attitude is not appreciated nor is it helpful. I suppose your brother has arrived by now.” She doesn’t stop talking long enough for me to confirm he has. “How long have you two been planning this little coup?” Denying it would be futile, so I remain silent. When I said I love them, I meant it, but they can make it difficult at times. And I’m sure they’d say the same about me and Jason. I know they don’t regret having us, just as I do that we aren’t exactly the ideal children for parents with their views on life.

“I’m as surprised as you are, mom.”

“Somehow I doubt that. You two have always been thick as thieves.”

“We’re close, that’s completely different.” She pffts, the noise giving voice to the level of her frustration with the situation. Me. Trying to be helpful, Jason backs up my story as he yells that’s it’s true. She hears him, but mutters, “What a surprise. He’s on your side.”
